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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 17, No. 1, September 1974. Pages 2-3.

Abstract: Developing Role for U.S. Geological Survey's Oil and Gas Branch in the Energy Crisis


Previous HitPeterTop R. Rose

The organization of the U.S. Geological Survey, and its functions relative to petroleum exploration and production, are generally ill-understood by private industry. The Conservation Division of the Geological Survey is concerned primarily with evaluation of mineral leases, and with regulation of mineral operations on public and Indian lands, whereas the Branch of Oil and Gas Resources of the Geologic Division conducts research that 1) contributes to improved exploration procedures, and 2) helps appraise the petroleum potential of frontier areas so as to advise the Executive Branch of Government in planning national energy programs. Successful cooperation between private industry and the Oil and Gas Branch clearly will further both aspects of this research.

The Oil and Gas Branch was organized in August, 1972, and has grown from about 20 full-time professionals to about 80 full-time professionals. Most of this new staff has come from private industry, thus affording the Branch considerable current expertise in economic petroleum geology. Funding has increased substantially, primarily through the President's Energy Research Program of 1973. Acquisition of modern equipment promises to make the Oil and Gas Branch, together with sister branches of marine geology, capable of generating modern geophysical data in frontier OCS areas.

Current research projects fall into categories of "topical research" and "geographic research." Of particular interest are topical research projects in indirect geochemical detection of hydrocarbons, generation and migration of petroleum, porosity prediction in sand - stone reservoirs, deep-water clastic sediments, and development of bore-hole gravity meters. Examples of geographic research include the Atlantic OCS, Southern California Borderland, and Cretaceous of the Western Interior. Service projects include the Core Libraries program and Circum-pacific Energy Conference project.

It is clear that responsible, impartial, and informed advice on petroleum exploration will

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be needed by Government as the nation seeks to maximize its petroleum production during the critical next 10-30 years, and that the present adversary relationship between private industry and Government is counter-productive toward the national energy need. Hopefully, the Oil and Gas Branch of the Geological Survey may be able to assist in forging a productive cooperation between Government and the private sector.

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