Electronic Index of AAPG Special Publications:

SG25: Exploration for Heavy Crude Oil and Natural Bitumen

Edited by Richard F. Meyer

Title Page

Ted L. Bear


Size Distributions of the World's Largest Known Oil and Tar Accumulations: Section I. Regional Resources
R. E. Roadifer

World Bank-Assisted Heavy Oil Projects: Section I. Regional Resources
A. S. El-Mekkawy

Geology of Heavy Crude Oil and Natural Bitumen in the USSR, Mongolia, and China: Section I: Regional Resources
A. A. Meyerhoff, R. F. Meyer

Exploration and Evaluation of the Orinoco Oil Belt: Section I. Regional Resources
G. Fiorillo

Heavy Oil Production Operations in Potiguar Basin, Brazil: Section I. Regional Resources
P. J. V. de Andrade, M. L. Gabrielli, S. L. S. Barrocas

Major Tar Sand and Heavy-Oil Deposits of the United States: Section I. Regional Resources
V. A. Kuuskraa, E. C. Hammershaimb, M. Paque

Heavy-Oil and Bitumen Projects in Madagascar: Section I. Regional Resources
H. Andrianasolo-Ralaimiza

Heavy Crude Oil Fields and Bitumen Deposits of the Middle and Far East and Oceania: Section I. Regional Resources
R. F. Meyer

Summary of Regional Resources: Section I. Regional Resources
T. A. Fitzgerald, M. Carrigy

Problems in the Characterization of Heavy and Less Heavy Crude Oils: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation
J. R. Paxson

Classification of Natural Bitumen: A Physical and Chemical Approach: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation
C. D. Cornelius

Application of Multivariate Statistics in Crude Quality Characterization and Regional Distribution in Orinoco Oil Belt: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation
M. Taheri, N. M. de Audemard

Physical and Chemical Characterization of Heavy Crude Oil in the Orinoco Oil Belt: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation
N. de Audemard, M. L. Chirinos, I. Layrisse

Sources and Deposition of Organic Matter in the Monterey Formation, South-Central Coastal Basins of California: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation
C. M. Isaacs

Distribution and Occurrence of Metals in Heavy Crude Oils and Solid Bitumens--Implications for Petroleum Exploration: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation
J. A. Curiale

Light-Oils Transformation to Heavy Oils and Asphalts--Assessment of the Amounts of Hydrocarbons Removed and the Hydrological-Geological Control of the Process: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation
E. Tannenbaum , A. Starinsky, Z. Aizenshtat

Effects of Biodegradation on Crude Oils: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation
D. E. Miiller, A. G. Holba, W. B. Hughes

Influence of Biodegradation on the Chemical Composition of Heavy Oil and Bitumen: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation
A. Hollerbach

Microbial Aspects of Heavy Oil: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation
T. R. Jack

Summary of Oil-Biodegradation Papers: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation
D. W. S. Westlake

Influence of the Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of Heavy Oils on Their Recovery: Section III. Geological Environments and Migration
J. Connan, H. Coustau

Significance of Gravity Segregation in Heavy-Oil Distribution, Forest 'A' Reservoir, Parrylands Field, Trinidad, West Indies: Section III. Geological Environments and Migration
H. Rambarran

Geology and Geochemistry of Santa Rosa Tar Sands: Section III. Geological Environments and Migration
A. J. Budding, R. F. Broadhead

Significance of Reservoir Stratigraphy in Production of Heavy Oil from Coalinga Oil Field, California: Section III. Geological Environments and Migration
M. A. Bate , S. A. Graham

Geology and Genesis of the Coast Range Province of California and Its Hydrocarbon Deposits: Section III. Geological Environments and Maturation
T. W. Dibblee Jr.

The Bitumen-Bearing Paleozoic Carbonate Trend of Northern Alberta: Section III. Geological Environments and Migration
R. S. Harrison

Shallow Heavy-Oil Deposit in a Pennsylvanian Fluvial Sandstone Reservoir, Eastburn Field, Missouri: Section III. Geological Environments and Migration
W. J. Ebanks Jr., J. F. Weber

Recognition and Quantification of Petroleum Expulsion from Shale Source Rocks: Section III. Geological Environments and Migration
D. Leythaeuser

Primary and Secondary Migration of Oil: Section III. Geological Environments and Migrations
J. M. Hunt

California Plio-Miocene Oils: Evidence of Early Generation: Section III. Geological Environments and Migration
N. F. Petersen, P. J. Hickey

Summary of Environments and Migration: Section III. Geological Environments and Migration
P. S. Lulman

A Geochemical Survey in the Santa Barbara Channel and Its Relationship to Subsurface Heavy-Oil Deposits: Section IV. Exploration Methods
L. Horvitz

Delineation of Gas Sands by Seismic Stratigraphy in the Pericocal Area, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela: Section IV. Exploration Methods
J. Licheri, N. Parra

Porosity of Unconsolidated Sand, Diatomite, and Fractured Shale Reservoirs, South Belridge and West Cat Canyon Oil Fields, California: Section IV. Exploration Methods
L. A. Beyer

Determination of Geomechanical Parameters from Geophysical Logs: Section IV. Exploration Methods
M. B. Dusseault

A Heavy-Oil Case Study on a Single Well in Venezuela, MFM-7S, Using Cores and Logs: Section IV. Exploration Methods
R. Everett, M. Herron, G. Pirie, J. Schweitzer, H. Edmundson

Coring and Sampling in Heavy-Oil Exploration: Difficulties and Proposed Cures: Section IV. Exploration Methods
M. B. Dusseault, J. D. Scott

Well Log Assisted Evaluation of Heavy-Oil Resources--A Status Report: Section IV. Exploration Methods Common Conditions for Heavy Oils: Section IV. Exploration Methods
W. H. Fertl

Common Conditions for Heavy Oils: Section IV. Exploration Methods
W. H. Roberts III

Geological Assessment of Heavy-Oil Reservoirs in the Lloydminster Area, Using a Computerized Data Base: Section IV. Exploration Methods
R. S. Hickerty, G. S. Jones, J. E. Klovan, P. E. Putnam

Summary of Exploration Methods: Section IV. Exploration Methods
L. W. Vigrass

Problems Frequently Encountered in Evaluating Tar Sand Resources--The South Texas San Miguel Deposit: Section V. Exploration Histories
M. W. Britton

The Primrose-Kirby Area in the Southern Athabasca, Alberta, Canada: A Detailed Geological Investigation: Section V. Exploration Histories
F. Dekker, C. Visser, P. Dankers

Tar-Sand Exploration in Kentucky: Section V. Exploration Histories
M. C. Noger

Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous Heavy-Oil Sands, Kuparuk River Unit Area, Alaskan North Slope: Section V. Exploration Histories
M. R. Werner

Bitumen Deposits of Northwest Alabama: Section V. Exploration Histories
G. V. Wilson

Heavy-Oil Deposit, Great Salt Lake, Utah: Section V. Exploration Histories
L. C. Bortz

Surface Tar-Sand Deposits in California: Section V. Exploration Histories
J. F. de Chadenedes

Resource Evaluation of Selected Tar-Sand Deposits in Southern Oklahoma: Section V. Exploration Histories
W. E. Harrison, M. R. Burchfield

Preliminary Geologic Analysis of the Tar Sands Near Sunnyside, Utah: Section VI. Recovery
C. J. Schenk, R. M. Pollastro

Unconventional Recovery of Heavy Oil and Tar Sands: Section VI. Recovery
E. E. Angino

Preliminary Evaluations Applicable to Predicting the Probability of Occurrence for Compaction and Subsidence Resulting from Fluid Withdrawal in Unconsolidated Shallow Sands: Section VI. Recovery
F. E. Ashford, Y. Ghoniem

Feasibility of Heavy-Oil Recovery: Section VI. Recovery
V. A. Kuuskraa, M. L. Godec

U.S. Tar-Sand Oil Recovery Projects--1984: Section VI. Recovery
L. C. Marchant

Carbon Dioxide--A Mobilizing Agent for Heavy-Oil Recovery: Section VI. Recovery
H. Murtada, B. Hofling

Development of Insulator Components for Electrical Heating of Oil Sands: Section VI. Recovery
K. Okahashi, I. Ishii, S. Hirabayashi, A. Higuchi, Y. Takahashi, Y. Ohata

Oxygen Fireflooding--The State of the Art: Section VI. Recovery
A. M. Garon, M. Kumar, G. C. Cala

Analytical Techniques and Tools for Rock Property and Oil Gravity Evaluation in Heavy-Oil and Tar-Sand Reservoirs: Section VI. Recovery
B. A. Bell, K. Karnes

Economic Factors in Near-Surface Heavy-Oil/Tar-Sand Mining: Section VI. Recovery
J. W. Earley

The Mine-Assisted In Situ Project: Section VI. Recovery
D. E. Towson

Downhole Hydraulic Mining System: Section VI. Recovery
C. G. Wagner, E. L. Hodges

Recovery Methods for Heavy Oil and Tar Sands: Section VI. Recovery
J. J. George Stosur, J. A. Slater

Geology and Hydrocarbon Deposits of the Santa Maria, Cuyama, Taft-McKittrick, and Edna Oil Districts, Coast Ranges, California: Appendix. Field Trip Guidebook
Thomas W. Dibblee Jr., Robert L. Johnston, James W. Earley, Richard F. Meyer