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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Habitat of Some Oil

G. M. Knebel , Guillermo Rodriguez-Eraso

Marine Jurassic Exposed in Bighorn Basin, Pryor Mountains, and Northern Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming and Montana

Ralph W. Imlay

Stratigraphy of Lake Deposits in Central and Northern Minnesota

Frederick M. Swain

Sandstones and Channels in Upper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian in Kansas

Melville R. Mudge

Paleontology, Basis of Practical Geochronology

J. A. Jeletzky

Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Rocks of Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico

Ross B. Johnson , Gordon H. Wood, Jr.

Correlation of Paleocene and Eocene Formations and Cretaceous-Paleocene Boundary in New Jersey

Halsey W. Miller, Jr.

Genesis of Salt Domes of Gulf Coastal Plain

Michel T. Halbouty , George C. Hardin, Jr.

Modern Hydrocarbons in Two Wisconsin Lakes: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Sheldon Judson , Raymond C. Murray

Clay Mineralogy of Some Basal Pennsylvanian Sandstones, Clays, and Shales: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Herbert D. Glass, Paul Edwin Potter, Raymond Siever

Density and Porosity of Sea-floor Surface Sediments off San Diego, California

Edwin L. Hamilton , Henry W. Menard

Introduction to Tectonics of Rocky Mountains: ABSTRACT

D. L. Blackstone, Jr.

Tectonics of Colorado Front Range: ABSTRACT

L. A. Warner

Tectonic History of Raton Basin with Special Reference to Late Paleozoic: ABSTRACT

Gene L. Shaw

Tectonics of Black Hills: ABSTRACT

John Paul Gries

Tectonics of Central Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Raymond M. Thompson

Tectonics of Central Montana: ABSTRACT

James O. Staggs

Tectonics of Plains of Southern Alberta: ABSTRACT

W. B. Gallup

Part I, Future Role of American Association of Petroleum Geologists: ABSTRACT

G. M. Knebel

Part II, The Habitat of Some Oil: ABSTRACT

G. M. Knebel

Tectonics of Paradox Basin and Its Relation to Oil Occurrence: ABSTRACT

Gregory K. Elias

Paleotectonic Control of Carboniferous Sedimentation in Central Montana: ABSTRACT

Phil A. Mundt

Tectonics of Colorado Plateau: ABSTRACT

Vincent C. Kelley

Tectonics of Wasatch Plateau and Near-by Areas: ABSTRACT

William Lee Stokes

Tectonic Development of Cordilleran Region: ABSTRACT

W. W. Mallory

Thrust Belt of Northern Utah, Southwestern Idaho and Western Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Armand J. Eardley

Structural Development of Eastern Uinta Mountains and Vicinity, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Howard R. Ritzma

Oil Producing Structures as Related to Major Tectonic Features in Rocky Mountain Area: ABSTRACT

George R. Downs

Structural Control of Oil Fields in Wind River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

H. H. R. Sharkey

Igneous Tectonics at Slater Dome, Moffat County, Colorado: ABSTRACT

Ross E. Wells

Tectonic Setting of Happy Springs and Near-by Structures in Sweetwater Uplift Area, Central Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Wallace G. Bell

Tectonic Control of Uranium Deposition in Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT

Donald L. Everhart

Regional Influence of Tectonics on Uranium Occurrences in Colorado Plateau Area: ABSTRACT

Y. William Isachsen

Summary and Recapitulation of Tectonic Papers: ABSTRACT

James Gilluly

Episodes in Tertiary Tectonic History of Saratoga-North Park Area, Wyoming and Colorado: ABSTRACT

John de la Montagne