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AAPG Bulletin

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Role of Contemporaneous Faulting During Basinal Subsidence

John W. Shelton

Differential Compaction as a Cause of Regional Contemporaneous Faults

Robert E. Carver

Experimental Analysis of Gulf Coast Fracture Patterns

Ernst Cloos

Relict Sediments on Continental Shelves of World

K. O. Emery

Seismic-Reflection Studies in Block Island and Rhode Island Sounds

Robert L. McMaster , Thomas P. Lachance , Louis E. Garrison

Future of Geology in Petroleum Exploration

Robert J. Cordell

Lexington Limestone-Kope Formation Contact (Ordovician) in Southeastern Indiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

George D. Brown, Jr. , Robert L. Anstey

Preglacial Structure of Georges Basin and Northeast Channel, Gulf of Maine: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

J. Alan Ballard, F. H. Sorensen

Lower Devonian Brachiopod Faunas in Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Thomas W. Amsden

Surface Sediments of Kara Sea, North of 76°: ABSTRACT

John A. Andrew, Joseph H. Kravitz

Nature of Calcification in Codiacean Algae: ABSTRACT

Donald L. Baars

Middle Tertiary Planktonic Foraminiferal Facies, San Joaquin Basin, California: ABSTRACT

Orville L. Bandy, Robert E. Arnal

Geology of Shelder Field, Dimwitt County, Texas: ABSTRACT

Thomas D. Barber

Geology of Middle Devonian Reefs, Rainbow Area, Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT

D. L. Barss, A. B. Copland, W. D. Ritchie

Planktonic Foraminifera--A History of Oceans: ABSTRACT

Grant A. Bartlett

Clay Mineralogy of Kope and Fairview Formations (Cincinnatian) in Cincinnati Area: ABSTRACT

Dennis R. Bassarab, Warren D. Huff

Sho-Vel-Tum Oil Field, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Robert M. Becker

Selective Solution in Planktonic Foraminifera: Liability and Asset in Reconstruction of Ancient Environments: ABSTRACT

Wolfgang H. Berger

Shelf-to-Basin Lower Triassic Sediments Across Las Vegas Hingeline, Nevada: ABSTRACT

H. J. Bissell

An Application of Upper Pennsylvanian Palynological Data to Interpret Environment of Deposition: ABSTRACT

Oscar B. Bourn

Bryozoan Ecology and Sedimentary Environments in Central Appalachian Upper Ordovician: ABSTRACT

Peter W. Bretsky

Digital Simulation Models of Evaporite Sedimentation: ABSTRACT

Louis I. Briggs, Darinka Zigic-Toshich

Permian Evaporites in North Sea Basin: ABSTRACT

R. G. W. Brunstrom, P. J. Walmsley

Recent Dolomitization of Pleistocene Limestones by Hypersaline Brines, Great Inagua Island, Bahamas: ABSTRACT

John N. Bubb, Donald K. Atwood

Clay Minerals in Arctic Ocean Sea-Floor Sediments: ABSTRACT

Dorothy Carroll

Faunal Isolation Near Primary Strandlines: ABSTRACT

Donald J. Colquhoun

Yates Oil Field, Pecos County, Texas: ABSTRACT

D. H. Craig, G. R. Schoonmaker

Technical and Theoretical Obstacles to Construction of Adequate Classification of Fusulinid Foraminifera: ABSTRACT

John L. Cutbill

Selective Dispersal of Quartz: ABSTRACT

David K. Davies

"Canadian-Ozarkian" Unconformity in Upper Mississippi Valley: ABSTRACT

Richard A. Davis, Jr.

Depositional Processes in Salina Salt of Michigan and New York: ABSTRACT

Louis F. Dellwig, Robert Evans

Clay-Mineral Facies in Upper Jurassic Rocks in Northeastern Texas and Adjacent Parts of Louisiana and Arkansas: ABSTRACT

Kendell A. Dickinson

Fish Otolith Assemblage of Gastrolithic Beach Gravel: ABSTRACT

Mark A. Dixon

Pebble Shape Development on Tahiti-Nui: ABSTRACT

James E. Dobkins, Jr., Robert L. Folk

Morphologic Studies of Fusulinids from Lower Permian of West Pakistan: ABSTRACT

Raymond C. Douglass

Coprolites versus Fecal Pellets: ABSTRACT

Farouk El-Baz

Recent Carbonate Sedimentation and Diagenesis in Walker Cay-Grand Cays Area, Little Bahama Bank: ABSTRACT

Charles W. Ellis

Phylogeny and Ontogeny of Charophyta: ABSTRACT

Jerome A. Eyer

Sespe Formation--Example of Arid Climate Redbed: ABSTRACT

Ronald C. Flemal

Operational Classification of Unconformities: ABSTRACT

Tom Freeman

Bay Marchand-Timbalier Bay-Calliou Island Salt Complex, Louisiana: ABSTRACT

M. G. Frey, W. H. Grimes

Petroleum Reservoirs Among Evaporitic Rocks of Western Canada and Northern United States: ABSTRACT

J. G. C. M. Fuller

Physical and Chemical Properties of Mississippi River Alluvial Valley and Delta Clays: ABSTRACT

Sherwood M. Gagliano, Clara Ho

Anatomy of a Giant--Oklahoma City Field: ABSTRACT

Lloyd E. Gatewood

Oil and Gas Accumulation in Reconcavo Basin, Brazil: ABSTRACT

Joao Italo Ghignone, Geraldo De Andrade

Komia Banks (Pennsylvanian) of Southwestern San Juan Mountains, Colorado: ABSTRACT

W. Arch Girdley

Considerations Regarding Formation of Potash Deposits: ABSTRACT

Louis H. Goldsmith

Upper Devonian Reef Oil Field--Redwater, Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT

R. O. Grieve

Divergence Between Dip Direction of Cross-Strata and Enclosing Cross-Strata Set Boundaries: a Characteristic of Alluvial Point-Bar Sands: ABSTRACT

Vinton E. Gwinn

Character, Origin, and Significance of Late Silurian Barrier Island--Fuyk Sandstone Member of Rondout Formation, Hudson Valley, Eastern New York State: ABSTRACT

John D. Harper

Contour Currents and Turbidity Currents: ABSTRACT

Bruce C. Heezen

Geometry of Devonian Swan Hills Reef Complex--Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT

Charles R. Hemphill, R. I. Smith, F. Szabo

Storms and Sedimentary Processes Along Northern British Honduras Coast: ABSTRACT

Lee R. High, Jr.

Diagenetic Changes of Organic Sediments in Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana: ABSTRACT

Clara Ho, James M. Coleman

Progress Report on Two Unusual Alaskan Sediments--Recent Beach Carbonate From Three Entrance Bay, and Polished Grains From Easter Egg Hill: ABSTRACT

Charles M. Hoskin

Sedimentologic and Reservoir Characteristics of Abandoned Delta Distributary: ABSTRACT

Stephanie V. Hrabar, Paul Edwin Potter

Geology of Woodbine Formation in East Texas Oil Field and Related Areas: ABSTRACT

James S. Hudnall, R. W. Eaton

Mineralogy and Distribution of Clay Sediments in Great Miami River Basin (Ohio-Indiana): ABSTRACT

Warren D. Huff, Joseph W. Breuer

Mississippian Carbonate Sedimentation Across Miogeosyncline-Craton Hinge Zone, East-Central Idaho-Southwestern Montana: ABSTRACT

Oscar K. Huh

Asmari Oil Fields of Iran: ABSTRACT

Cedric E. Hull, Harry R. Warman

Alternate Models of Community Variation: ABSTRACT

John Imbrie

Growth and Dolomitization of Silurian Reefs, St. Clair County, Michigan: ABSTRACT

R. L. Jodry

Petrology and Structure of a Salina (Silurian) Dolomitized Algal Stromatolite Complex, Northwestern Ohio: ABSTRACT

Charles F. Kahle

Clay Minerals as Cumulative Records of Their Environments: ABSTRACT

W. D. Keller

Submarine Channel and Fan Deposits, Silurian of Central Wales, United Kingdom: ABSTRACT

Gilbert Kelling

Modes of Formation, Sedimentary Associations, and Diagnostic Features of Shallow-Water and Supratidal Evaporites: ABSTRACT

D. J. J. Kinsman

Muskeg Evaporites of Western Canada and Associated Oil: ABSTRACT

A. M. Klingspor

AAPG Research Committee: ABSTRACT

G. Moses Knebel

Late Paleozoic Sediments Derived From Pedernal Uplift: ABSTRACT

Frank E. Kottlowski

Transgressive Facies Patterns in Delaware Coastal Area: ABSTRACT

John C. Kraft

Burbank Field, Oklahoma--a Giant Grows: ABSTRACT

B. C. Largent

Petroleum Geology of Healdton Field, Carter County, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

J. W. Latham

Radiolaria in Surface Sediments of Northeast Pacific Ocean: ABSTRACT

Hsin-Yi Ling

Flint Kaolins in Non-Coal-Bearing Triassic of Sydney Basin, Australia: ABSTRACT

F. C. Loughnan

Triassic Gas Field of Hassi er R'mel, Algeria: ABSTRACT

P. R. Magloire

Continental-Shelf Sediments Off Eastern Venezuela: ABSTRACT

Neil J. Maloney

Giant Fields of Venezuela: ABSTRACT

Anibal R. Martinez

Grain-Orientation and Paleocurrent Systems in Medina Formation: ABSTRACT

I. P. Martini

Geology of California's Giant--Wilmington Oil Field: ABSTRACT

M. N. Mayuga

Paleontology and Paleoecology of Wann Formation, Northeastern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Scott McCoy, Jr.

Bell Creek Field, An Embryonic Giant, Powder River and Carter Counties, Montana: ABSTRACT

A. A. McGregor, Charles A. Biggs

Teeth of Cretaceous Batoid Genus, Ptychotrygon: ABSTRACT

C. L. McNulty, Jr., Bob H. Slaughter

Migration of Oil and Development of Permian Basin as Shown by Carbon Isotopic Composition of Oil: ABSTRACT

Frederic H. Meister

Geology of Tom O'Connor Field, Refugio County, Texas: ABSTRACT

H. G. Mills

Giant Oil Fields of North America: ABSTRACT

J. D. Moody, J. Spivak

Petrology and Sedimentation of Jackfork Sandstones, Arkansas: ABSTRACT

Robert C. Morris

Stratigraphic Distribution, Pennsylvanian Fusulinids, Manzano Mountains, New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Donald A. Myers

Lateral Clay-Mineral Variations in Modern Deltaic Sediments of Godavari River, India: ABSTRACT

A. S. Naidu, C. Borreswara Rao

Systematics and Distribution of Fusulinid Genus Afghanella: ABSTRACT

Merlynd K. Nestell

Sedimentary Structures in Devonian Fanglomerates, Western Norway: ABSTRACT

Tor H. Nilsen

Oil Fields in Mio-Pliocene Zone of Eastern Carpathians, Ploiesti District, Romania: ABSTRACT

D. Paraschiv, E. Hristescu, Gh. Olteanu

Pennsylvanian Evaporite Cycles And Petroleum Production, Southern Rocky Mountains: ABSTRACT

James A. Peterson, Robert Hite

Shallow-Marine Currents on Early(?) Triassic Wyoming Shelf: ABSTRACT

M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High, Jr.

Trading Bay Complex, Alaska's Giant: ABSTRACT

George B. Pichel

Panhandle-Hugoton Field, "First Fifty Years": ABSTRACT

L. Pippin

Cambrian Oil Field of Hassi Messaoud, Algeria: ABSTRACT

Gilbert Pommier, Aldo M. Balducchi

Allochthonous Carbonate Debris Flows at Devonian Bank ("Reef") Margins, Alberta: ABSTRACT

L. C. Pray, H. E. Cook, E. W. Mountjoy, P. N. McDaniel

Permeability-Porosity Patterns of Some Recent Sediments: ABSTRACT

Wayne A. Pryor

Sole Marks in Siltstone of Nonturbidite Origin: ABSTRACT

Wayne A. Pryor, Jim L. Barr

X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Heavy Minerals: ABSTRACT

Wayne A. Pryor, Norman C. Hester

Mineralogy, Stratigraphy, and Origin of Lower Tertiary Clays and Claystones of Alabama: ABSTRACT

William R. Reynolds

Measurement of Shear Strength, Bulk Density, and Pore Pressure in Recent Marine Sediments by in-situ Probes: Results of 1967 Shallow-Water Tests: ABSTRACT

Adrian F. Richards

Amal Field, Libya: ABSTRACT

J. M. Roberts

Mirror Image of Climate-Caused Foram Extinction: Pacific and Gulf Coasts: ABSTRACT

W. T. Rothwell, Jr.

Sedimentologic Analysis of Tongue River and Sentinel Butte Formations (Paleocene), Western North Dakota: ABSTRACT

Chester F. Royse, Jr.

Morphologic Variability of Genus Schwagerina in Permian Wreford Limestone of Kansas: ABSTRACT

George A. Sanderson, George J. Verville

Analytical Approach to Niagaran Stratigraphy, Michigan Basin: ABSTRACT

John T. Sanford,

Sarir, Libya: Desert Surprise: ABSTRACT

Robert M. Sanford

Evaporite Deposition in Deep Water: ABSTRACT

Robert F. Schmalz

Simultaneous Evaporite--Carbonate Deposition ?: ABSTRACT

L. L. Sloss

Vicksburg Fault Zone, Texas: ABSTRACT

Thomas B. Stanley, Jr.

Geology of Groningen Gas Field, Netherlands: ABSTRACT

A. J. Stauble, G. Milius

Water-Depth Control of Fusulinid Distribution: ABSTRACT

Calvin H. Stevens

Evaporite Basin Configuration--Structural versus Sedimentary Interpretation: ABSTRACT

T. P. Storey

Anomalous Morrowan-Chesterian Correlations in Western Anadarko Basin: ABSTRACT

Donald C. Swanson, Ronald R. West

Sedimentary Facies in Area of Mixed Terrigenous-Carbonate Deposition, Arlington Reef Complex and Adjacent Areas, Northern Great Barrier Reef: ABSTRACT

Jonathan P. Swinchatt

Yellow Bank, Bahamas: A Study of Modern Marine Carbonate Lithification: ABSTRACT

William H. Taft

Environmental Indicators in Morrison Formation, New Mexico: ABSTRACT

William F. Tanner

Reversed-Climbing Ripples and Sand-Wave Deposition in Arkansas River: ABSTRACT

Roderick W. Tillman, Charles W. Ellis

Clay-Mineral Diagenesis in Atoka (Pennsylvanian) Sandstone, Crawford County, Arkansas: ABSTRACT

Don M. Triplehorn

Bermuda Carbonate Platform: Quantitative Analysis of Depositional Environments: ABSTRACT

Sam B. Upchurch, Fred T. Mackenzie

Geology and Exploration of Sicily and Adjacent Areas: ABSTRACT

Joseph Vercellino, Fabrizio Rigo

Pennsylvanian-Permian Horseshoe Atoll, West Texas: ABSTRACT

E. L. Vest, Jr.

Golden Lane Fields, Veracruz, Mexico: ABSTRACT

Francisco Viniegra, Carlos Castillo-Tejero

Biogenic Sedimentary Structures in Facies of Middle Ordovician Black River Group of New York State: ABSTRACT

Kenneth Russell Walker

Facies Changes Developed During Filling of a Deep Basin: ABSTRACT

Roger G. Walker

Distribution of Glauconite-Boron Association in Continental-Shelf Sediments: ABSTRACT

Stan M. White

Shale Chemistry as an Environment Indicator: ABSTRACT

G. D. Williams

Palynological Stratigraphy and Succession of Oklahoma Pennsylvanian Coal Seams: ABSTRACT

L. R. Wilson

Lacq Gas Field, France: ABSTRACT

E. J. H. Winnock, Y. B. Pontalier

Environment of Glauconite on Continental Slope of California: ABSTRACT

Frederick F. Wright

Facies Structure Based on Functional Classification of Stratigraphic Components: ABSTRACT

Darinka Zigic-Toshich, Louis I. Briggs

Variation and Isomorphism in Uniparental Species of Foraminifera: ABSTRACT

M. Zach Arnold

Planktonic Foraminifera as Indices of Paleoceanography: ABSTRACT

Orville L. Bandy

New Computer-Oriented Technique for Interpreting EM Anomalies: ABSTRACT

Steve Bauer

TV Filter Decon Before and After Stack and Effect of Noise on Decon: ABSTRACT

John F. Bradshaw

Middle Miocene Sedimentary Breccia in Malibu Bowl Thrust Sheet, Central Santa Monica Mountains, California: ABSTRACT

R. H. Campbell

Sedimentation Rates on Continental Terrace off Columbia River: ABSTRACT

Paul R. Carlson

Velocity Investigations Using Dynamic Correlations: ABSTRACT

M. D. Carter

Radiolarians and Paleoceanographic Interpretations: ABSTRACT

Richard E. Casey

Paleocurrent Patterns in Upper Cretaceous Beds of Marsh Creek Formation of Northern Diablo Range, California: ABSTRACT

Ivan P. Colburn

Regional Geologic Mapping Along San Andreas Fault and Vicinity, California, by U.S. Geological Survey: ABSTRACT

T. W. Dibblee, Jr.

Geophysical Instrumentation for Marine Reconnaissance Surveys: ABSTRACT

C. M. Edwards

Livermore Oil Field, California: ABSTRACT

Patrick J. Fazio

Stratigraphic Evidence of Post-Early Late Miocene Right-Lateral Displacement Along Central Part of San Andreas Fault Zone, California: ABSTRACT

Gerald Fletcher

Stratigraphy and Correlation of Typical Blakeley and Blakeley Harbor Formations of Washington: ABSTRACT

Charles V. Fulmer

Review of Trends in Development of Alaskan Mineral Resources: ABSTRACT

George Gryc, Edward H. Cobb

Accumulation of Reservoir Fluids: ABSTRACT

William C. Gussow

Frontiers in Micropaleontology: ABSTRACT

Merrill Haas

Photogeology and Geophysics: ABSTRACT

Edward F. Haye

Thermodynamic and Geochemical Characteristics of Salton Sea Geothermal System: ABSTRACT

Harold C. Helgeson

Petroleum Prospecting in Relatively Unexplored Areas: ABSTRACT

Phillip S. Kistler

Slope Stability Monitoring at Boron: ABSTRACT

R. B. Kistler, J. C. Paulsen, L. L. Thomas

Review of Elk Hills Oil Field, Kern County, California: ABSTRACT

Robert J. Lantz

Oil Fields of Cook Inlet, Alaska: ABSTRACT

Graydon H. Laughbaum, Jr.

Explosives for Exploration Industry: ABSTRACT

Stanley L. Lippincott, Jr.

Four Types of Land Subsidence in Southern San Joaquin Valley, California: ABSTRACT

Ben E. Lofgren

Offshore Exploration Techniques: ABSTRACT

W. H. Luehrmann

Worldwide Development of Geothermal Industry: ABSTRACT

James R. McNitt

Gulf of Alaska Petroleum Exploration; Past, Present, and Future: ABSTRACT

Phillip W. Marsh, Donald D. Bruce, G. L. Scott

Atlantic Floor Profile (Movie): ABSTRACT

Neil Moore

Effects of Stacking Misaligned CRP Traces: ABSTRACT

James D. Morgan, T. H. Hollingsworth, Monroe Ashworth

The Law of Geothermal Resources: ABSTRACT

Owen Olpin

Support Operations, Vessels and Aircraft, from Owner's Point of View: ABSTRACT

William J. O'Neill

Geothermal Developments in The Geysers Area, California: ABSTRACT

Carel Otte, Richard F. Dondanville

Review of Outer 1,000 Kilometers of Earth: ABSTRACT

L. C. Pakiser

Evaluation of Geothermal Steam Reserves: ABSTRACT

Henry J. Ramey, Jr.

Geology of Wynoochee Valley Quadrangle of Southwest Washington: ABSTRACT

Weldon W. Rau

Origin of Pseudohastigerina in Paleocene and Lower Eocene Strata of California: ABSTRACT

Ronald Schmidt

New Petroleum Prospects, Shallow and Deep Bering Sea: ABSTRACT

David W. Scholl, David M. Hopkins, H. Gary Greene, Edwin C. Buffington

Large-Scale Thrusting and Migrating Cretaceous Foredeeps in Western Brooks Range and Adjacent Regions of Northwestern Alaska: ABSTRACT

Sigmund Snelson, I. L. Tailleur

Stratigraphy and Structure of Middle Paleozoic Section, Independence Quadrangle, Inyo Mountains, California: ABSTRACT

Calvin H. Stevens

Movement Along Faults in Central Inyo Mountains, Eastern California: ABSTRACT

Calvin H. Stevens, Edward A. Johnson

Nonexplosive Energy Sources: ABSTRACT

A. Stoupnitzky

Structural Interpretation of Computer Processed Geofracture Data: ABSTRACT

Gilbert Thomas

Subsurface Cross Sections in Carrizo Plain Segment of San Andreas Fault, California: ABSTRACT

H. C. Wagner, J. A. Bartow

Geothermal Energy Reservoirs: ABSTRACT

Donald E. White

Distribution of Calcareous Nannoplankton from Middle Tertiary Cipero Formation of Trinidad, W.I.: ABSTRACT

James A. Wilcoxon

Geology of Augila Area, Libya: ABSTRACT

James J. Williams

Lindsey Slough Gas Field, California: ABSTRACT

Rex J. Young