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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Jackfork Group, Arkansas

Robert C. Morris

Breedlove Field, Martin County, Texas

James K. Munn

Widespread, Synchronously Deposited, Burrow-Mottled Limestone Beds in Greenhorn Limestone (Upper Cretaceous) of Kansas and Southeastern Colorado

Donald E. Hattin

Middle Pennsylvanian Rocks of Eastern Great Basin

Mark Rich

Tectonic and Sedimentologic History of Lower Jurassic Sunrise and Dunlap Formations, West-Central Nevada

K. O. Stanley

Age and Evolution of Salt Basins of Southeastern Mexico

Francisco Viniegra O.

Computer Simulation Models of Salt Domes

James C. Howard

Small-Scale Packing Heterogeneities in Porous Sedimentary Rocks

Norman R. Morrow

Are There Geochemical Criteria for Differentiating Reef and Nonreef Carbonates?: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Roger Till

Revised Geologic Nomenclature for Pre-Cretaceous Rocks of British Honduras: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

J. H. Bateson , I. H. S. Hall

Quartz Extinction in Siltstone: ABSTRACT

D. W. Andersen, M. Dane Picard

Carbonate Petrology and Paleontology of Permian Bioherms, Southeast Idaho: ABSTRACT

Marvin D. Brittenham

Upper Jurassic and Basal Cretaceous Sandstones of Southern Saskatchewan and Vicinity: ABSTRACT

J. E. Christopher

Opkishaesa: Coal on Crow Reservation, Big Horn County, Montana: ABSTRACT

Graham Curtis

Theory of Red River Reservoir Development in Williston Basin: ABSTRACT

Wallace G. Dow

Unmeasured Resources of Rockies: ABSTRACT

A. J. Eardley

Peoria Field, Arapahoe County, Colorado: ABSTRACT

George D. Ecker

Stratigraphic Relations Between Cliff House and La Ventana Sandstones, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado: ABSTRACT

James E. Fassett

Stratigraphy of Phosphoria Formation, No Water Creek Field, Washakie County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Robert F. Garvin

Oil and Gas Possibilities in Pedregosa Basin: ABSTRACT

Eugene Greenwood

Oil and Gas Potential--Paradox Fold and Fault Belt, Colorado and Utah: ABSTRACT

Clarence Harr

Planktonic Foraminiferal Test-Porosity as Paleotemperature Indicator: ABSTRACT

Mary E. Heiman, William E. Frerichs

Early Permian Unconformity in Southeastern Wyoming and North-Central Colorado: ABSTRACT

Dennis M. Howe

Hydrocarbon Distribution in Casper Formation (Permian-Pennsylvanian) of Laramie and Shirley Basins, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Dennis M. Howe

Depositional Dynamics of Upper Cretaceous Sandstones, Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT

Alonzo D. Jacka

Principles of Cementation and Porosity-Occlusion in Sandstones: ABSTRACT

Alonzo D. Jacka

Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Analysis of Mississippian Madison Formation in Southwestern Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

D. M. Kent

Stratigraphy of Cretaceous Fox Hills Sandstone, East Flank of Rock Springs Uplift, Sweetwater County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Cooper B. Land, Jr.

Wollaston Lake Uranium Hunt, Northern Saskatchewan, Canada: ABSTRACT

George Livo

Stratigraphy of Frontier Sandstone Member of Mancos Shale (Upper Cretaceous) on South Flank of Eastern Uinta Mountains: ABSTRACT

Steven J. Maione

Depositional Patterns in Middle Permian Strata of Central Western United States: ABSTRACT

Fred F. Meissner

Influence of Pore Geometry on Water-Oil Relative Permeability: ABSTRACT

J. T. Morgan, D. T. Gordon

Future Exploration in Rocky Mountains: ABSTRACT

T. W. Nelson, Dayton Clewell

Lower Triassic Marine Facies: An Index to Tectonic Transport in Southeastern Nevada: ABSTRACT

Stephen Olmore

Precambrian Cyclic Carbonate Facies, Western Montana: ABSTRACT

James A. Peterson

Differentiation of Lacustrine and Fluvial Sandstone by Analysis of Paleocurrent Patterns: ABSTRACT

M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High, Jr.

Geology of Felder Uranium Deposit, Live Oak County, Texas: ABSTRACT

W. R. Pickens, M. L. Klohn

Newcastle Formation in Williston Basin: ABSTRACT

Mark Reishus

Environmental Restrictions on Mineral Resource Development in Rockies: ABSTRACT

John W. Rold

Reevaluation of Unconformity Criteria in Carbonate Successions: ABSTRACT

P. R. Rose

Geology and Mining Operations of Oil Sands at Fort McMurray: ABSTRACT

E. R. Sanford

Recent Coal Developments in San Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico: ABSTRACT

John W. Shomaker

Sequence Elements in Stratigraphic Analysis of Lower Colorado (Cretaceous) Strata, West-Central Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

Frank Simpson

Well Data Files and Computer--Exploration Tools for 1970s: ABSTRACT

Phillip H. Stark

Combination Formula Unlocking Lower Tyler "Point Bar" Extensions in Central Montana: ABSTRACT

Jack Starkweather

Lower Cretaceous Combination Traps in Big Muddy-South Glenrock Area, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Donald S. Stone, Roger L. Hoeger

Stratigraphy and Exploration of Lower Cretaceous Muddy Formation, Northern Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana: ABSTRACT

William D. Stone

Statistical Methods of Petroleum Exploration in Part of Denver Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT

Andrew M. Taylor

Reevaluation of Use of Glauconite for Radiometric Stratigraphic Dating: ABSTRACT

Graham R. Thompson

Stratigraphy of Black Shale Facies of Green River Formation (Eocene), Uinta Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT

William D. Thompson, M. Dane Picard

Depositional Environments of "J" Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous), Denver Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT

Bruce R. Tohill

Paleogeomorphology and Minnelusa Accumulations, East Flank, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Frank P. Van West

Geochemistry of Some Lower Eocene Sandstones in Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT

James D. Vine, Elizabeth B. Tourtelot

Future Petroleum Potential of Pre-Cretaceous Rocks of Eastern Colorado: ABSTRACT

Richard W. Volk

Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential of Dakota Group (Cretaceous), Western Denver Basin, Colorado: ABSTRACT

Robert J. Weimer

Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Potential of Minnelusa Group, Western North Dakota: ABSTRACT

Harold C. Ziebarth

The Prsident's Page: ERRATUM