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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Precambrian Chuar Source Rock Play: An Exploration Case History in Southern Utah

Thomas L. Uphoff

Fluorescent Growth Bands in Irradiated-Bitumen Nodules: Evidence of Episodic Hydrocarbon Migration

Birger Rasmussen

The Role of Burial Diagenesis in Hydrocarbon Destruction and H2S Accumulation, Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, Black Creek Field, Mississippi

Ezat Heydari

Three-Dimensional Visualization of Salt Walls and Associated Fault Systems

Giovanni Guglielmo, Jr., Martin P. A. Jackson, Bruno C. Vendeville

Generation and Expulsion of Petroleum and Gas from Almond Formation Coal, Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming

Mario García-González, Ronald C. Surdam, Milton L. Lee

Modeling Tip Zones to Predict the Throw and Length Characteristics of Faults

G. Pickering, D. C. P. Peacock, D. J. Sanderson, J. M. Bull

Seismic Stratigraphy and Geologic History of Jurassic Rocks, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico

Laura M. Dobson and Richard T. Buffler

Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for Geologic Reconnaissance in Arctic Regions: An Example from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska

Catherine L. Hanks and Richard M. Guritz

Integration of Horizontal Well Geological Data Into Reservoir Descriptions: Rotliegende Sandstone, Lancelot Area, Southern North Sea

David J. Went and William C. Fisher

Diffusion of Methane and Ethane Through the Reservoir Cap Rock: Implications for the Timing and Duration of Catagenesis: Discussion

B. M. Krooss and D. Leythaeuser

Diffusion of Methane and Ethane Through the Reservoir Cap Rock: Implications for the Timing and Duration of Catagenesis: Reply

Jon S. Nelsonand E. C. Simmons