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AAPG Bulletin

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Along-strike variations and internal details of chevron-style, flexural-slip thrust-propagation folds within the southern Livingstone Range anticlinorium, a paleohydrocarbon reservoir in southern Alberta Foothills, Canada

Michael A. Cooley, Raymond A. Price, John M. Dixon, T. Kurtis Kyser

Stable-isotope geochemistry of syntectonic veins in Paleozoic carbonate rocks in the Livingstone Range anticlinorium and their significance to the thermal and fluid evolution of the southern Canadian foreland thrust and fold belt

Michael A. Cooley, Raymond A. Price, T. Kurtis Kyser, John M. Dixon

From outcrop to flow simulation: Constructing discrete fracture models from a LIDAR survey

Christopher E. Wilson, Atilla Aydin, Mohammad Karimi-Fard, Louis J. Durlofsky, Amir Sagy, Emily E. Brodsky, Oliver Kreylos, Louise H. Kellogg

Surface sediment hydrocarbons as indicators of subsurface hydrocarbons: Field calibration of existing and new surface geochemistry methods in the Marco Polo area, Gulf of Mexico

Michael A. Abrams, Nicola F. Dahdah

Diagenetic controls on reservoir quality in Middle to Upper Jurassic sandstones in the South Viking Graben, North Sea

Tom Erik Maast, Jens Jahren, Knut Bjorlykke

Seismic geomorphology and high-resolution seismic stratigraphy of inner-shelf fluvial, estuarine, deltaic, and marine sequences, Gulf of Thailand

Hernan M. Reijenstein, Henry W. Posamentier, Janok P. Bhattacharya

Permeability prediction in chalks

M. Monzurul Alam, Ida Lykke Fabricius, Manika Prasad

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