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Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

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Advances in Seismic Acquisition in the Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia

Jair Rodrigues de Salles Scares Filho, Mario Geraldo de Freitas

Ambiente Deposicional y Modelamiento del Yacimiento Caballos en el Campo Orito, Cuenca Putumayo, Colombia. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Depositional Environment and Reservoir Modeling of the Deposit of Caballos in Orito Field, Putumayo Basin, Colombia.

Carlos A. Amaya, Jacqueline Centanaro

Analisis Facial, Arquitectura Estratigrafica y Caracterizacion de las Areniscas T1, Formacion Carbonera, Campo Apiay, Colombia. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Facial Analysis, Stratigraphic Architecture and Sandstone Characterization of T1, Carbonera Formation, Camp

Claudia Malagon

The Application of Surface Geochemistry, Microbiological and Remote Sensing Methods to Reduce Hydrocarbon Exploration Risk in Remote Areas of South America

M.R. Mello, F.T.T. Gonçalves, R.C.S. Goncalves, R.C.R. Santos, J.B.L. Francolin

Assesment of Structural Styles and Estimation of Stratigraphic Thickness, Stretching and Crustal Shortening in the Eastern Andean Cordillera, Colombia

Pedro A. Restrepo-Pace, Tomas Villamil

Atlas Geologico Digital de Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Digital Geological Atlas of Colombia

Germán Forero Ramírez

Ceuta. Desarrollo de Gigante Complejo. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Ceuta. Development of Giant Complex.

Luis Gámez, Germán Torres, Marcos Rampazzo

Chevron's Community Relations Management in Block 52, Peru

Larry L. Dekker, Carlos Mora B.

Clarification of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Evolution of Colombia

James L. Pindell, Richard P. George Jr., Julio Cristancho S., Roger Higgs

A Composite Standard and Graphic Correlation Example from Northern Llanos, Colombia

R.W. Aurisano, I.S. Espejo, D.D. Haun

A Comprehensive Approach to Depth Imaging in Thrust Belt Environments

Ron Schmid, Brian Link, Patrick Butler

A Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Section at Rio Lora, Merida Andes, Western Venezuela

D.T. Pocknall, R.N. Erlich, J.A. Stein, J.A. Bergen, M. Antonieta Lorente

The Cretaceous Chonta - Vivian Petroleum System Block 1AB, Sub Andean Marañón Basin, Perú

Estuardo Alvarez Calderón M.

Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphy of the Ecuadorian Subandean Zone

Felix Ramirez, Roberto Barragan, Howard White

Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphy of the MOP Basins, Northeastern Peru, Eastern Ecuador and Southeastern Colombia: Application to Reservoir Prediction

Dave Valasek, Antenor M. Alemán, Robert Marksteiner, Peggy Hodgkins

Cupiagua Field, Colombia: Interpretation Case History of a Large, Complex Thrust Belt Gas Condensate Field

William W. Rathke, Mario G. Coral

Desarrollo y Ejecución de una Estrategia Integrada para la Reexploración en Campos del Lago de Maracaibo [PAPER IN SPANISH] Development and Implementation of an Integrated Strategy for Re-scan in the Fields of the Lake of Maracaibo

Alvarado Ramon, Manuel Serrano, Francisco Bello, Ricardo Ramirez de A.

Detrital Modes of Tertiary Units in the Central Middle Magdalena Basin, Colombia

Lori A. Hathon, Irene S. Espejo

Development Strategy History of el Furrial Field, Monagas, Venezuela.

Armando Acosta L., Pascual Márquez S., Jaime J. Almeida

Different Stuctural Styles and Histories of the Colombian Foreland: Castilla and Chichimene Oil Field Areas, East-Central Colombia

Charles F. Kluth, Robert Ladd, Miguel De Aras, Leonel Gomez, Nat Tilander

Distribucion de Facies Sedimentarias y su Marco Tectonico durante el Fanerozoico en Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Distribution of Sedimentary Facies and tectonic setting during the Phanerozoic in Colombia

Fabio Cediel, Fernando Etayo, Carlos Cáceres

Early Aptian Fluvial Lowstand and Eolian Transgressive Sandstones (Troncoso Mbr-Huitrin Fm): Main Reservoirs in the Central Argentine Andes (Neuquen Basin): Abstract

Legarreta Leonardo, Cristina Mazarik, Gerardo Hinterwimmer

El Bolsón Pagancillo (La Rioja, Argentina), Una Fosa Tectónica Constrictiva en un Ambiente Subandino y su Relación con el Lineamiento de Valle Fértil [PAPER IN SPANISH] El Bolsón Pagancillo (La Rioja, Argentina), a Rift Valley into a Constrictive Sub And

E.A. Rossello, M.E. Mozetic, P.R. Cobbold, O.R. López-Gamundí

El Piedemonte de la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia y de los Andes de Mérida: Estilos Estructurales y Consideraciones Sobre la Génesis y Migración de Hidrocarburos. [PAPER IN SPANISH] The foothills of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia and the Andes of

Nestor Chigne, Daniel Loureiro, Ernesto Rojas

El Potencial de Generación de Gas y Petróleo de la Formación Guaduas en la Cordillera Oriental, y de la Formación Guachinte-Ferreira en el Valle del Cauca [PAPER IN SPANISH] The Potential of Oil and Gas Generation of the Guaduas Formation in the Cordille

Mario Garcia-Gonzalez, Jose Velandia Guevara, Venancio Galindo Torres

El Sistema Petrolero Cretácico de la Cuenca de Marañon [PAPER IN SPANISH] The Cretaceous Petroleum Systems of Marañon Basin

Ricardo Gómez Omil, Marcelo Arteaga, Luis Albariño

El Sistema Petrolifero en la Subcuenca de Catatumbo, Cuenca de Maracaibo, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] The petroleum System in the Subbasin Catatumbo, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela

Javier Llerena, Fernando Marcano

Eocene Paleostructure of Colombia and Implications for History of Generation and Migration of Hydrocarbons

Richard P. George Jr., James L. Pindell, Julio H. Cristancho-S

Estilo Estructural desde el Centro del Lago de Maracaibo hasta la Sierra de Misoa : Contribucion de Sismica Tridimensional al Conocimiento de la Cuenca de Maracaibo [PAPER IN SPANISH] Structural Style from the Center of Lake Maracaibo to the Sierra de Mi

J. F. Arminio, E. Bueno, A. Growcott, M. Araujo, B. de Pirela, J. Zubizarreta, R. Violino, C. Luzardo

Estilo Tectónico y Etapas de Deformación de la Parte Norte de la Cuenca Oriente Ecuatoriana [PAPER IN SPANISH] Tectonic Style and Deformation Stages of the Northern Part of the Eastern Ecuadorian Basin

Patrice Baby, Marco Rivadeneira, Celso Davila, Milton Galarraga, Jaime Rosero, Jorge Vega, Roberto Barragan

Estratigrafia Secuencial en Estratos Continentales [PAPER IN SPANISH] Sequence Stratigraphy in Continental Strata

Juan Carlos Ramón, Timothy Cross

Evaluation of Reservoir Quality in the Llanos Foothills, Colombia

J.O'Leary, E. Warren, G. Geehan, R. Herbert, R. Graham

Evidence of an Intra-Plate "Hot-Spot" under the Ecuadorian Oriente Basin during the Cretaceous Tectonic Evolution.

Roberto Barragan, Felix Ramirez, Jose Rodas

Evidences for a Passive Roof Duplex along the Northeastern Thrust Front of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia and Implications for Oil Exploration.

Freddy Corredor

Experiencias en la Exploración del Frente de Montaña de la Sierra de Perija. Cuenca de Maracaibo, Venezuela. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Experiences in the Exploration of the Mountain Front of the Sierra de Perija. Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela.

Miguel Araujo

Exploration and Development of Oil Fields in the Northern Marañon Basin - Perú

Victor Lay, Augusto Becerra

Exploratión del Sector Barinas - Acarigua. Area Flanco Surandino. Subcuenca de Barinas. Venezuela. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Exploration of the Barinas Sector - Acarigua. Area of South Andean Flank. Barinas Subbasin. Venezuela.

Vicente A. Hernández, Rafael Lander, Angel Gonzalez, Jesús Fuentes

Exploring the Sub-Thrust Play Along the Eastern Margin of the Middle Magdalena Valley: The Example of Chawina (Apulo), Cundinamarca, Central Colombia

Martin L. Keeley, Ana E. Suárez

Geochemical Characterization of South American Subandean Petroleum Systems

M.R. Mello, L.A.F. Trindade, E. Gil, E. Stoffer, N. Chigne, O. Luna, J. Velandia

Geochemical Investigation in the Sabana de Bogotá Basin, Colombia

Heider Polanía, Johan M. A. Buiskool Toxopeus, Jan C. Kleingeld, C. J. Kommeren

Geometria de Hemi-Graben en las Cuencas Triasicas del Oeste Argentino: Evidencias de Superficie y Subsuelo [PAPER IN SPANISH] Geometry of Hemi-Graben in the Triassic Basins of Western Argentina: Evidence for Surface and Subsurface

Oscar Lopez-Gamundi, Marcos Mozetic, Eduardo Rossello

Impact of Toledo X-1 on the Geological Understanding of the Eastern Altiplano, Bolivia

Ricardo Livieres, Wolf Schneider, Claude Bacchiana, Jim Dyess, Gary Guthrie

Improving Drilling Performance in an Area of High Tectonic Stress in the Llanos Foothills of Colombia

Nigel Last, Paul Sullivan, Richard Herbert

Influencia de los Procesos Sedimentarios y Diageneticos en la Calidad como Roca Reservorio del Intervalo "O", Formación Escandalosa, Cuenca de Barinas-Apure [PAPER IN SPANISH] Influence of Sedimentary and Diagenetic Processes in the Quality of Rock Reser

Rosa Aquino, Julie Kupecz, Elizabeth Hernandez, Maria Prieto, Rodolfo Salazar, Luisa Figueroa, Eduardo Garcia

Integración de Datos Geológicos y Geofísicos en el Estudio del Subandino Central del Perú [PAPER IN SPANISH] Integration of Geological and Geophysical Data in the Study of Peru's Central Subandino

Javier Soto Gomez

La Ramada Basin: A Triassic - Early Jurassic Rift System of the Main Andes of Argentina and Chile

P. Pamela Alvarez, Victor A. Ramos

Lower Tertiary Stratigraphy and Exploration Plays of the Western Side of the Maracaibo Basin, Western Venezuela

Isabel C. Serrano, Barbara L. Faulkner

Marco Tectonoestratigráfico y Paleogeografía de la Cuenca de Maracaibo durante el Paleógeno [PAPER IN SPANISH] Tectonostratigraphic Framework and Paleogeography of the Maracaibo Basin during the Paleogene

Pieter Pestman, Santosh Ghosh, Luis Melendez, Maria Antonieta Lorente

Modelaje Estocástico: Una Herramienta para la Caracterización de Yacimientos. Campo Ceuta, Lago de Maracaibo, Venezuela. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Stochastic Modeling: A Tool for Reservoir Characterization. Ceuta Field, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela.

F. Chacartegui, E. Hernandez, X. Verenzuela, J. Zambrano

Modelaje geológico del Sur del Lago de Maracaibo. Cuenca de Maracaibo - Venezuela. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Geological Modeling of the South of Lake Maracaibo. Maracaibo Basin - Venezuela.

Ma Verónica Castillo, Jairo Lugo, Mats Nalsen

Modelo Estructural Dinámico en el Área de Interacción de la Falla de Valera y la Falla de Boconó. Flanco Norandino, Cuenca de Maracaibo, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] Dynamic Structural Model in the Area of Interaction of the Failure of Valera and Boconó

Pirela Baussis, Tito Boesi, Roberto Lagazzi, Luis Melendez

Modelo Exploratorio en la Faja Corrida de la Cuenca Neuquina, Argentina [PAPER IN SPANISH] Exploration Model in the Thrust Belt of Neuquina Basin, Argentina

Estanislao Kozlowski, Carlos E. Cruz, Claudio Sylwan

Multidisplinary Correlative Evidences for Polyphase Geological Evolution of the Foot-Hills of the Cordillera Oriental (Colombia)

Piero Casero, Jean-François Salel, A. Rossato

Neogene Tectonics within the Magellan Basin (Patagonia)

Marc Diraison, Peter R. Cobbold, Denis Gapais, Eduardo A. Rossello, Alberto Gutiérrez Pleimling

Nueva Conceptualización del Yacimiento B-6/9 del SVS-82 [PAPER IN SPANISH] New Concept Reservoir B-6 / 9 of the SVS-82

Ricardo Carrizales, Manuel Garrido, Gladys Carvajal, Tito Lozada, Jhon Rivas, Elio Uzcatequi

Nueva Frontera Exploratoria en la Cuenca Petrolifera del Lago de Maracaibo: Zulia Oriental, Venezuela Occidental. [PAPER IN SPANISH] New Frontier Exploration in the Oil Basin of Lake Maracaibo: Zulia Oriental, Venezuela Occidental.

Ivan Rodríguez, Alonso Navarro, Santosh Ghosh

Nuevos Aportes sobre la Estratigrafía del Eoceno en Barúa-Motatán-Serranía de Trujillo, Costa Suroriental del Lago de Maracaibo, Venezuela [PAPER IN SPANISH] New Contributions on the Stratigraphy of the Eocene in Barúa-Motatán-Serranía de Trujillo, South

Irene Truskowski, Pieter Pestman

Oil Field Plays and their Reserves in Northern Andean Basins in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela

Charlie J.K. Moore, Jan Roelofsen, George G. Leckie, Nicolas Krattinger

Origin and Depositional Environments of Turonian – Maastrichtian Organic-Rich and Phosphatic Sediments of Western Venezuela

R. N. Erlich, A. J. Nederbragt, M. Antonieta Lorente

Paleocene-Miocene Paleogeographic Evolution of Colombia

Tomas Villamil, Pedro Restrepo, Knud Svela

Paleosoils as a Correlation Tool in the Marañon Basin

A. Chalco, J. Guevara, J. Chung

Petroleum Systems along the Fold Belt Associated to the Marañon-Oriente-Putumayo (MOP) Foreland Basins

Robert Marksteiner, Antenor M. Alemán

Petroleum Systems and Structural Styles in the Santiago Fold and Thrust Belt: A Salt Related Orogenic Belt

Antenor M. Alemán, Robert Marksteiner

Petroleum Systems of the Piedemonte Oriental, Cusiana-Apiay Area, Colombia

Luiz A. F. Trindade, Marcio Rocha Mello, Octavio Luna A., José Velandia

Potencial Exploratorio y Politica Petrolera del Peru, Panorama Mas Alla del Año 2000 [PAPER IN SPANISH] Exploration Potential of the Peru Oil and Politics, Panorama Mas Alla of the Year 2000

Pedro Touzett Gianello

Potencial Generador de Hidrocarburos de la Formacion Chipaque y su Relacion con la Estratigrafia de Secuencias e la Zona Axial de la Cordillera Oriental (Colombia) [PAPER IN SPANISH] Potential Hydrocarbon-Generation in the Chipaque Formation and its Rela

Mora Cesar, Martha Patricia Torres, Joaquin Escobar

Potencial Hidrocarburifero en el Campo las Piedritas, Cuenca Oriental de Venezuela. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Hydrocarbon potential in the Piedritas Field, Eastern Venezuela Basin.

Francisco Barrios, George lusco

Prospección de Hidrocarburos en el Piedemonte de la Cuenca del Putumayo [PAPER IN SPANISH] Oil Exploration in the Foothills of the Putumayo Basin

José E. Urueta, Charl du Toit

Prospección de Trampas Estratigráficas en el Bloque Corocora, Cuenca Llanos Orientales, Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Prospecting for Stratigraphic Traps in Corocora Block, Llanos Basin, Colombia

Luis E. Rojas, Elias Ballesteros

Recognition of Incised Valley Sandstones, Oriente Basin, Ecuador

Felix A. Ramirez, Jose A. Rodas, Howard J. White, Bob Quillin, Edward E. Robbs

Refined Age Correlations for the Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador: Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy and Basin Evolution

David Pocknall, Jeffrey Stein, Ross McCullough, Claudio Manzolillo, Italo Zambrano, Martha Ordoñez, Nelson Jimenez

Reservoir Modeling in the Cusiana Field, Llanos Foothills, Eastern Colombia; Characterization of a Deeply-Buried, Low Porosity Reservoir

Andrew J. Pulham, Alan Mitchell, David MacDonald, Colin Daly

Reservorios Arrecifales en Cuencas Cretacicas y Terciarias de Cuba [PAPER IN SPANISH] Reef Reservoirs in Cretaceous and Tertiary Basins of Cuba

Silvia Valladares Amaro, José Alvarez Castro, Rafael Segura Soto, Sonia Toucet Tellez, Silvia Blanco Bustamante, Rolando García Sánchez, José Fernández Carmona, Concepción Nuñez Bilbao

Reservorios Naturalmente Fracturados en Rocas Volcánicas Jurásicas, Cuenca de Magallanes, Chile [PAPER IN SPANISH] Naturally Fractured Reservoirs in Jurassic Volcanic Rocks, Magallanes Basin, Chile

Bravo Patricio, Carlos Herrero

Resultados de Perforación Luego de la Interpretación de Sísmica de 3-D en los Campos Apiay-Ariari, Colombia; y la Subsecuente Aplicación de un Nuevo Atributo Sísmico: Cubo De Coherencia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Drilling Results after the Interpretation of 3-D

M. Gutierrez, R. Mendieta, E. Lozano, V. Vega, D. Haun

The Role of the Fluid Circulations in Modern and Ancient Accretionary Wedges: A Constraint for the Evolution of Suthrusted Reservoir

Nicole Guilhaumou

Sección Estructural en la Península Brunswick, Extremo Sur de Chile. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Structural Section in Brunswick Peninsula, Southern Tip of Chile.

Luis Ignacio Farfán

Seismic Acquisition in the Sub-Andean Belt of Bolivia

Jair R. de S. Soares Filho, Roberto D. Chaves

Structural Development of the Southern Basin, Onshore Trinidad: Implications for Hydrocarbon Entrapment

Leon J. Aden, Robert E. Bierley

Structural Style and Emplacement of the Opón Anticline, Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia

Mark R. Steuer, Peter A. Bentham, Glenn H. Latimer

The Structure of the Axial Zone of the Cordillera Oriental, Colombia

Mario G. de Freitas, João B.L. Françolin, Peter R. Cobbold

The Subandean Foothills Basins, a Regional Study.

Larry Garmezy, Hanspeter Mohler, Keith James, Harry Doust

Subcuenca de Barinas: Nueva Vision Exploratoria [PAPER IN SPANISH] Barinas Subbasin: New Exploration Vision

Luisa Figueroa

Tectonic and Stratigraphic Controls of Hydrocarbon Systems of the Andean Fold-Thrust Belt and Associated Basins of South America

R. J. Chuchla, C. A. Dengo, R. L. Munoz, D. M. Advocate, T. M. Anderson, B. Anquez, S. J. Hall, C. B. Bacchiana, P. G. Resor, A. J. Lariviere, Kieniewicz, D. N. Awwiller, L. L. Summa, E. G. Woods

Tectonic Evolution of the Acre Basin, Brazil

Carlos M. M. Oliveira, Pedro V. Zalán, Fernando F. Alkmin

Tectonismo e Historia Termal durante el Paleógeno Temprano en el Área Norte de la Sierra de Perijá, Venezuela Occidental [PAPER IN SPANISH] Tectonic and Thermal History during the Early Paleogene in the Northern Area of the Sierra de Perija, Western Vene

Eduardo Quijada, Fernando Cassani

Tectonoestratigrafia del Terciario y Potencial Petrolifero de la Formacion La Paz, Cuenca del Valle Medio del Magdalena (Parte Norte), Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Tertiary Tectonic Stratigraphy and Oil Potential of the La Paz Basin, Middle Magdalena Vall

Mario Suarez

Un Nuevo Enfoque para el Analisis de la Variación de la Amplitud con el Offset (AVO) [PAPER IN SPANISH] A New Approach to the Analysis of the Amplitude Variation with Offset (AVO)

Consuelo Garcia Mojonero, Angela Echanove Homos, Agustin Arrieta Murillo