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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

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Análisis e Implementación de la Transformada Karhunen-Loève (K-L) en Datos Sísmicos de Reflexión [PAPER IN SPANISH] Analysis and Implementation of Karhunen-Loève Transformation (K-L) in Seismic Reflection Data

Andrés Calle, Zayra Pérez, Carlos Pérez, Germán Ojeda

Aplicaciones del RMN Usando el Método Probabilístico en la Inversión de Ecos. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Applications of RMN Using the Probabilistic Approach in Echoes Inversion.

R. Carmona, J. Hernandez, J. Marcos, C. Minetto, R. Arro

Application of Laboratory Technique for Screening Asphaltene Inhibitors for Kuwaiti Reservoirs

R. P. Oskui, E.F. Gholoum, M. Salman, A. Sorurbakhsh

AVO and Impedance Response of Perdices Miocene Sands, Lower Magdalena Valley Basin.

Oscar Moreno, Loz Darmon, Fernando Cerda, Anubrati Mukherjee

Controles Regionales de la Deformación en el Oeste de la Cuenca San Jorge (Argentina): Nuevos Enfoques. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Regional Controls of the Deformation in the West of the San Jorge Basin (Argentina): New Approaches.

Eduardo A. Rossello, Vicente A. Nevistic, Cristóbal P. Bordarampé, Hugo R. Rodríguez, Yves Lagabrielle, Verónica G. Peri, Bruno Scalabrino

Definición de un Modelo Estructural a partir de Dos Transectas Estructurales Retrodeformadas en el Sector Sur de la Cuenca Valle Superior del Magdalena [PAPER IN SPANISH] Definition of a Structural Model from Two Structural Retro Deformed Transects in th

Rocio Bernal Olaya, Gonzalo Lopez Yate, Andreas Kammer

Electromagnetic Scanning Drives Innovative Technology and Business Models

Friedrich Roth, Bard Petter Thrane, David Ridyard, Petter Lindhom

Extra Heavy Oil Reservoir Characterization from Cerro Negro Field of the Orinoco Belt in Eastern Venezuela Basin.

Maybe Martinez, Jose St Bernard, Pedro Alvarez

ExxonMobil’s ElectrofracTM Process for In Situ Oil Shale Conversion

W. A. Symington, D. L. Olgaard, G. A. Otten, T. C. Phillips, M. M. Thomas, J. D. Yeakel

Feasibility of Reserve Estimate from Combined Elastic and Resistivity Data

Carmen T. Gomez, Jack Dvorkin, Gary Mavko

First Multilateral Well –TAML Level 4 in Colombia, Castilla Field.

Alberto Florez, Carlos Naranjo, Oscar Cardeño, Juan P. Uribe, Sandra Rodriguez, Johana Blanco, Jorge Velez

Generación de un Modelo Estratigráfico de Alta Resolución para Depósitos Carbonáticos Terciarios de la Cuenca de Campos [PAPER IN SPANISH] High Resolution Stratigraphic Model Generation for Tertiary Carbonate Deposits of the Campos Basin

Mary Luz Raigosa Diaz, Egberto Pereira

III Columbia Oil & Gas Investment Conference: Conventional & Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources - Abstracts

Imaging Complex Structures in Colombia – Full Wave Equation Migration Approach

Hector A. Alfonso, Luis E. Rojas, Weizhong Wang, Jie Zhang, Oz Yilmaz

Importance of Seismic Attributes in Heterogeneous Reservoir and Improvements Expected from Multi-Component Seismic

Miroslav Barisic, Igor Futivic, Tomislav Malvic

Improved Estimation of Gas Net Pay Zones in Shaly Sand Reservoirs A Case History from Anaco Area, East Venezuela

Maged Fam, Howard August, Fidel Rivero

Improving Exploration Success with New Data and Tools

Rick Schrynemeeckers

Improving Structural Definition Using Horizon-Guided Velocity Modeling, Loma Guadalosa Field, Neuquén Basin, Argentina.

Mariana Olmeda, Marcelo Koremblit

Integración de Nuevas Tecnologías de Registros y Procesamiento para Mejorar la Caracterización Geológica y Petrofísica en Reservorios de Litologías Complejas [PAPER IN SPANISH] Integration of New Log Technologies and Processes to Improve Geological and P

Enrique Diaz, Jesús Padilla, Humberto Dugarte, Rómulo Carmona

Interpolación Sísmica Pre-Stack en un Área Compleja de Pie de Monte. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Pre-Stack Seismic Interpolation in a Complex Foothills Area.

Marcelo Roizman, Jaime Checa

Modelo Estructural y Calculo del Acortamiento para el Borde Oriental de la Subcuenca de Girardot, Cuenca Valle Superior del Magdalena [PAPER IN SPANISH] Structural Model and Shortening Calculation of the Eastern Edge of the Girardot Subbasin, Upper Magda

Gonzalo Lopez Yate, Luz Jeny Navarro Beltran

Nueva Técnica para Valoración del Potencial de Yacimientos de Crudo Pesado Descubierto a Altas Profundidades [PAPER IN SPANISH] New Technique for the Assessment of the Potential of Heavy Oil Deposits Discovered at High Depths

J. J. Jiménez, P. E. Luna, J. M. Lacayo, R. Garcia

Optimización de la Planeación de Nuevos Pozos de Desarrollo Mediante una Nueva Secuencia de Procesamiento y Migración Anisotrópica Pre-Apilado en Profundidad - Campos Guando y Matachín Norte y Sur, Valle Superior Del Magdalena (Colombia). [PAPER IN SPANI

Diógenes Rovira, M. Graziella Kirltand Grech

Optimized Advanced Recovery Strategies Based on Reservoir-Architectural Analysis, San Francisco Field. Upper Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia.

Yohaney Gómez, Noel Tyler

Overlapping Ramp Anticlines in the Northern most Part of the Cupiagua Field (Recetor Area) Eastern Cordilleran Foothills - Colombia

Carlos A. Amaya, Pedro A. Galindo

Peruvian Santiago Basin Revisited

Antonio Rocha, Roman Gonzalez, Mario G. de Freitas, Ivan Olaya

Potencial Estratigráfico Sector Carioca (Cuenca Baja Guajira) – Nuevo Enfoque Exploratorio en Colombia. [PAPER IN SPANISH] Stratigraphic Potential in the Carioca Sector (Lower Guajira Basin) - New Exploration Approach in Colombia.

Claudia Alexandra Rubio Z., Paulo Cesar Correa M., Mario Alberto Suárez R., Lina María Rendón C., Luz Stella Vargas P., Oscar Mauricio Moreno R.

Production Challenges Related to Formation Damage in Gas Developments

Michael Byrne, Rick Lemanczyk, Colin McPhee, Phil McCurdy

Sedimentology and Heterogeneities in Reservoir Characterization for Enhanced Oil Recovery Projects.

Enrique J. Puche F.

Sediment with Porous Grains: Rock Physics Model and Application to Marine Carbonate and Opaline Rocks

Franklin Ruiz, Jack Dvorkin

Seismic Velocity Anisotropy in Chimore Area, Bolivia

Michael Fry, Eloy Martinez, James Baker, Mark Wallace

Successful Stepout Exploration and Development Practice in Low Relief Structural Stratigraphic Complex Reservoirs in Block 1AB, Marañón Basin, Peru

Waldyr Rodríguez

Tomography Techniques Applied to Near Surface Velocity Models in Complex Areas of Colombia

Jorge Monsegny, Saúl Guevara

Wave Equation Shot Migration as a Ground Roll Filter.

Francisco Ortigosa, Pedro Muñoz