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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

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Consideraciones Sobre Micropaleontologia de Foraminiferos (IN SPANISH), Considerations of Foraminiferal Micropaleontology

Agustín Ayala C.

Descripcion y Manejo del Analizador Mecanico de Echados (IN SPANISH), Description and Management of Cast Mechanical Analyzer

Salvador Casas Lecona

El Papel del Geologo en la Sociedad (IN SPANISH), Geologist's Role in Society

Manuel Rodríguez Aguilar

Fundamentos del Registro (IN SPANISH), Well Log Fundamentals

Juan Hefferan Vera, Octavio Bravo Delgadillo, Juan D. Bujanos

Fundamentos del Registro de Pozos (IN SPANISH), Well Log Fundamentals

Juan Hefferan Vera, Octavio Bravo Delgadillo, Juan D. Bujanos

Glosario (IN SPANISH), Glossary

Agustín Ayala C., Héctor Ochoterena F.

Importancia de la Organizacion del Consejo de Recursos Naturales no Renovables (IN SPANISH), Importance of The Organization of The Board of Natural Resources Nonrenewable

Carlos Castillo Tejero

Interpretacion de Registros Electricos en Arenas Lutiticas (IN SPANISH), Interpretation of Shaly Sands Electric Logs

Octavio Bravo Delgadillo

Introduccion a la Exploracion Geofisica Metodo Sismologico (IN SPANISH), Introduction to Geophysical Exploration. Seismic Method.

Santiago Hernández Sánchez Mejorada, Carlos Castillo Tejero

La Edad de la Tierra (IN SPANISH), The Age of The Earth

Honorato De Castro

La Teoria del Tratamiento con Acido y su Aplicacion (IN SPANISH), The Theory Acid Treatment and Its Application

A. Romero Juárez, J. Hefferan V.

Manuel Rodriguez Aguilar (1910-1956) (IN SPANISH), Manuel Rodriguez Aguilar (1910-1956)

Carlos Castillo Tejero

Nuevos Libros (IN SPANISH), New Books

Manuel Alvarez Jr.

Plataforma Continental Conocimientos Geologicos Modernos y Metodos Usados Para Obtener Esta Informacion (IN SPANISH), Continental Shelf. Modern Geological Knowledge and Methods Used to Obtain This Information.

Federico Mina Uhink, Antonio García Rojas, Santos Figueroa Huerta

Registros Con Microsonda (IN SPANISH), Microprobe Records

Juan Hefferan Vera, Felipe Xochihua, Carlos Navarro V., Ignacio Armendariz M.

Teoria e Interpretacion del Registro de Medicion de Echados (IN SPANISH), Theory and Interpretation of Dipmeter Log Measurement

Salvador Casas Lecona, Juan Hefferan Vera

Zonificacion Microfaunistica de las Calizas Cretacicas del Este de Mexico (IN SPANISH), Microfaunal Zonation of The Cretaceous Limestone of Eastern Mexico

Federico Bonet