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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions

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Abstract: Applications of Solar Energy: What is Practical in the Near Term?

Gene Clark

Abstract: Bayou Middle Fork Field -- (Smackover) Claiborne Parish, Louisiana A Case History: Discovery to Waterflood

C.Kipp Ferns, Mark E. York

Abstract: Enhanced Oil Recovery

James D. Henry

Abstract: Facies, Diagenesis and Porosity Relationships of the Buda, Georgetown, McKnight and West Nueces Carbonates of the Maverick Basin

Alonzo D. Jacka

Abstract: Gulf Coast Lignite: A Status Report

W.R. Kaiser

Abstract: How to Create and Submit a Winning Prospect

William J. Burgess

Abstract: Late Pleistocene Fluvial-Deltaic Deposition, Texas Coastal Plain and Shelf

Charles D. Winker

Abstract: Nuclear Power and the Geology of Uranium

Richard H. De Voto

Abstract: Outer Deep-Sea Fan Depositional Lobe Sequence from the Jackfork Group of Southern Arkansas

Brian E. Lock, John R. Fisco

Abstract: Testing the Geopressured Geothermal Resource, Frio Formation, Texas Gulf Coast

D.G. Bebout, R.G. Loucks, A.R. Gregory

Abstract: The Lower Tuscaloosa Trend of South-Central Louisiana: "You ain't seen nothing till you've seen the Tuscaloosa

Carlo C. Christina, Ken G. Martin

Abstract: Upper Mississippian Deltas in the Black Warrior Basin of Mississippi and Alabama

Matthew C. Broussard , Arthur W. Cleaves

Abstract: Waveland Field, A Unique Structural and Stratigraphic Trap

Torstein Sanness , E.D. Minihan

Carrillo Puerto Formation of Northeastern Quintana Roo, Mexico

R.W. Lauderdale, W.C. Ward, A.E. Weidie

Characteristics of Lower Wilcox Reservoirs, Valentine and South Halletsville Fields, Lavaca County, Texas

Robert R. Berg

Chemical Differentiation of Temperate and Tropical Limestone Derived Clays

W.C. Isphording

Clasticity Index: A Key to Correlating Depositional and Diagenetic Environments of Smackover Reservoirs, Oaks Field, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana

Charles R. Erwin , David E. Eby , Virgil S. Whitesides, Jr.

Depositional Environment of Woodbine Sandstones Polk County, Texas

Deane C. Foss

Distribution and Significance of Coarse Biogenic and Clastic Deposits on the Texas Inner Shelf (1)

Robert A. Morton , Charles D. Winker

Distribution of Volcanic sediments in the Gulf Coastal Province -- Significance to Petroleum Geology

Bruce E. Hunter , David K. Davies

Early Tertiary Lithostratigraphic Interpretation of Southwest Georgia

Charles Swann , Jon M. Poort

Ecological Niches of Radiolarians, Planktonic Foraminiferans and Pteropods Inferred from Studies on Living Forms in the Gulf of Mexico and Adjacent Waters

Richard Casey , Linda Gust , Ann Leavesley , Damon Williams , Richard Reynolds (5), Theo Duis (6), Joan Mussler Spaw (7)

Electric Log Detection of Diagenetically Altered Reservoirs and Diagenetic Traps

William R. Almon , Alvin L. Schultz

Eocene-Oligocene Boundary in Southwest Alabama

Ernest A. Mancini

Equilibrium in Modern Coral Reefs, Western Gulf of Mexico--Role of Ecology and Ostracod Microfauna

Paul R. Krutak , Sue E. Rickles

Evidence For Post-Jurassic Tectonism in Eastern North America

Paul J. Roper

Exploration Methods of Discovery and Development of Lower Wilcox Reservoirs in Valentine and Menking Fields, Lavaca County, Texas

Stewart Chuber )

Facies Distribution within the Hosston Formation Central Texas -- Implications to Low Temperature Geothermal Waters (1)

Mary W. McBride, C.M. Woodruff, Jr., Lisa E. Craig

Field Relationships and Petrology of the Catahoula Formation in Portions of Lavaca, Gonzales, and Fayette Counties, Texas

Willard A. McCracken

Geopressure in the Houma and Hollywood Fields, Louisiana

S.T. Mumme , R.E. Ferrell

Habitat Associations Among Living Foraminifers Of West Flower Garden Bank, Texas Continental Shelf

C. Wylie Poag , R. Christopher Tresslar

Hydrology and Water Quality of the Eocene Wilcox Group: Significance for Lignite Development in East Texas (1)

Christopher D. Henry, Joyce M. Basciano, Timothy W. Duex

Importance of Secondary Leached Porosity in Lower Tertiary Sandstone Reservoirs Along the Texas Gulf Coast (1)

R.G. Loucks, M.M. Dodge, W.E. Galloway

Interpretive Well Logging Concepts Assist South Texas Formation Evaluation Problems

Walter H. Fertl

Log Evaluation of the Tight Rocks of South Texas

T.H. Fett

Meridionally Costellate Hedbergellid Foraminifers from the Western Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 43, Site 386

Charles L. McNulty , F.T. Barr

Middle Strawn (Desmoinesian) Cratonic Delta Systems, Concho Platform of North-Central Texas

T.C. Greimel , A.W. Cleaves

Organic Geochemistry Of A 6.9-Kilometer-Deep Well, Hinds County, Mississippi (1)

Leigh C. Price, Jerry L. Clayton, Linda L. Rumen

Origins of Permanent Inlets Separating Barrier Islands and Influence of Drowned Valleys on Tidal Records Along the Gulf Coast of Texas

W. Armstrong Price , Robert H. Parker

Petrography of Some Subsurface Igneous Rocks of Mississippi

Danny W. Harrelson, Alvin R. Bicker, Jr.

Preservation of Porosity in the Deep Woodbine/Tuscaloosa Trend, Louisiana

Alan Thomson

The Queen City Formation in the East Texas Embayment: a Depositional Record of Riverine, Tidal and Wave Interaction (1)

David K. Hobday, Robert A. Morton, Edward W. Collins

Radiolarian Ecology and the Development of the Radiolarian Component in Holocene Sediments, Gulf of Mexico and Adjacent Seas with Potential Paleontological Applications

Richard Casey , Joan Mussler Spaw , Florence Kunze , Richard Reynolds , Theo Duis (5), Ken McMillen (6), David Pratt (7), Virginia Anderson (8)

Radiolarian Ratios and the Pleistocene-Holocene Boundary

Kenneth J. McMillen

Relict and Expatriated Radiolarian Fauna in the Gulf of Mexico and its Implications

Richard Casey , Ken MeMillen , Richard Reynolds , Joan Mussler Spaw , Rudy Schwarzer (5), Joel Gevirtz (6), Mary Bauer (7)

Revision of the Tampa Formation, West-Central Florida

Keith C. King , Ramil Wright

Sedimentation on a Trailing Plate Margin: The Northern Gulf of Mexico

J.L. Walper, F.H. Henk, Jr., E.J. Loudon, S.N. Raschilla

Short Term Morphological Changes Along the Caminada-Moreau Coast, Louisiana

S. Penland , W. Ritchie

Smackover Reservoir: Interpretation Case Study of Water Saturation Versus Production

J.G. Guillotte , J. Schrank, E. Hunt

Stratigraphy and Paleoecology of the Tamiami Formation in Lee and Hendry Counties, Florida (1)

Douglas M. Peck , David H. Slater , Tom M. Missimer , Sherwood W. Wise, Jr. (5), Thomas H. O'Donnell

Structural and Depositional History, McAllen Ranch Field, Hidalgo County, Texas

Robert R. Berg, William D. Marshall , Philip W. Shoemaker

Studies of the Suitability of Salt Domes in East Texas Basin for Geologic Isolation of Nuclear Wastes (1)

Charles W. Kreitler

Subsurface Neogene Biostratigraphy of Bay County, Florida

Murlene Wiggs Clark, Ramil C. Wright

Subsurface Stratigraphy of the Midway-Wilcox, Zapata County, Texas

Max A. Bornhauser

Upper Cretaceous - Lower Eocene Strata, Hainesville, Keechi, and Oakwood Salt Domes, East Texas (1)

Edgar H. Guevara, Alice B. Giles

Wave-Dominated Deltaic Systems of the Upper Cretaceous San Miguel Formation, Maverick Basin, South Texas (1)

Bonnie R. Weise