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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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In Defense of Facies Classifications and Models

Andrew D. Miall

Grain-Size and Textural Classification of Coarse Sedimentary Particles

Terence C. Blair , John G. McPherson

Sediment Sorting in Gravel-Bed Rivers

Michael Church

Framework Dilation, Winnowing, and Matrix Particle Size: The Behavior of Some Sand-Gravel Mixtures in a Laboratory Flume

Andrew F. Allan , Lynne Frostick

Variable Source Areas of Bedload in a Gravel-Bed Stream

Celso Garcia (), Jonathan B. Laronne , Maria Sala

The Nature and Controls on Downstream Fining Within Sedimentary Links

Stephen Rice

Identifying the Controls Over Downstream Fining of River Gravels

Trevor B. Hoey, Brian J. Bluck

Grain-Size Trends Used to Assess the Effective Discharge for Floodplain Sedimentation, River Waal, The Netherlands

Nathalie E.M. Asselman

Depositional Patterns Following the 1870S Avulsion of the Saskatchewan River (Cumberland Marshes, Saskatchewan, Canada)

Marta Perez-Arlucea , Norman D. Smith

Recognition of Ancient Eolian Longitudinal Dunes: A Case Study in Upper Bhander Sandstone, Son Valley, India

Pradip K. Bose, Snehasis Chakrabarty, Subir Sarkar

Earthquake-Induced Landslides and Their Effects on Alluvial Fans

David K. Keefer

Unusual Coarse, Clastic, Wave-Dominated Shoreface Deposits, Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene, Northern Chile: Implications for Coastal Facies Analysis

Adrian J. Hartley , Elizabeth J. Jolley

Bed-Thickness Structure of Multi-Sourced Ramp Turbidites: Devonian Brallier Formation, Central Appalachian Basin

Carl N. Drummond

Speckled Beds: Distinctive Gravity-Flow Deposits in Finely Laminated Diatomaceous Sediments, Miocene Monterey Formation, California

Alice S. Chang, Kurt A. Grimm

Detrital Zircon Geochronology of the Adams Argillite and Nation River Formation, East-Central Alaska, U.S.A.

George E. Gehrels , Mark J. Johnsson , David G. Howell

The Sedimentological Significance of Hydropsychid Caddis-Fly Larvae (Order: Trichoptera) in a Travertine-Depositing Stream: Louie Creek, Northwest Queensland, Australia

Russell N. Drysdale

Potassium Sources and Illitization in Texas Gulf Coast Shale Diagenesis

Gilles Berger , Bruce Velde , Thierry Aigouy

Kaolin Cements in Limestones: Potential Indicators of Organic-Rich Pore Waters During Diagenesis

R.G. Maliva , J.A.D. Dickson , A.E. Fallick

Petrographic Evidence for Emplacement of Carbon into Witwatersrand Conglomerates Under High Fluid Pressure

John Parnell

Groundwater Silicification in Paris Basin Limestones: Fabrics, Mechanisms, and Modeling

Medard Thiry, Isabelle Ribet ()

Spatial Distribution of Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in Laterally Extensive Carbonate-Cemented Layers: Implications for Mode of Growth and Subsurface Identification

Jeffrey S. Klein (), Peter Mozley , Andrew Campbell , Rex Cole

Quantifying Rates of Syndepositional Marine Cementation in Deeper Platform Environments--New Insight Into a Fundamental Process

G. Michael Grammer , Christopher M. Crescini (), Donald F. McNeill , Louis H. Taylor

Effect of Differential Stress on Strontium Partitioning in Calcite

John D. Humphrey , Roy P. Howell ()

Temperature Dependence of the Strontium Distribution Coefficient in Calcite: An Experimental Study from 40° to 200°C and Application to Natural Diagenetic Calcites

Mitchell J. Malone , Paul A. Baker

Pseudospherulitic Fibrous Calcite in Paleo-Groundwater, Unconformity-Related Diagenetic Carbonates (Paleocene of the Ager Basin and Miocene of the Madrid Basin, Spain)

Carlos Rossi , Juan C. Canaveras

Successions of Late Cenozoic Platform Dolomites Distinguished by Texture, Geochemistry, and Crystal Chemistry: Niue, South Pacific

C.W. Wheeler, P. Aharon, R.E. Ferrell

Stable-Isotope and Elemental Trends in Pleistocene Sabkha Dolomites: Descending Meteoric Water vs. Sulfate Reduction

Henry S. Chafetz, Alicia A. Imerito-Tetzlaff, Jilin Zhang

Climate-Controlled Early Dolomite, Late Triassic Cyclic Platform Carbonates, Hungary

Anna Balog (), J. Fred Read , Janos Haas

Cool-Water Limestones of the Pannonian Basinal System, Middle Miocene, Hungary

Anthony F. Randazzo , Pal Muller , Gyorgy Lelkes , Erika Juhasz , Tamas Hamor