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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Montana Geological Society

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ABSTRACT: A Review of the Sixmile Creek Problem

Alan R. Tabrum

ABSTRACT: A Study of the Central Part of the Independence Mining District, Park and Sweet Grass Counties, Montana

Phillip R. Moyle, Alan R. Buehler

ABSTRACT: Climatic and Tectonic Controls on the Formation of Tertiary Gold Placers, Pioneer District, Powell County, Montana

Jeffrey S. Loen

ABSTRACT: Depositional Environments, Paleoecology, and Biostratigraphy of Arikareean Bozeman Group Strata West of the Continental Divide in Montana

Donald L. Rasmussen

ABSTRACT: Depositional Environments in the Mission Canyon Limestone (Madison Group, Mississippian), Northern Bighorn Basin Region, Montana and Wyoming

Mari A. Vice, John E. Utgaard

ABSTRACT: Evidence of Rifting in Montana

Warren Shepard

ABSTRACT: Groundwater Flow in the Sullivan Flats Basin Near Niarada, Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana

David W. Briar

ABSTRACT: Hydrogeology of Armstrong and Nelson Spring Creeks, Park County, Montana

Chet Clarke

ABSTRACT: Judith River Formation in Eastern Montana–Inner Shelf Sand Ridges and Paleotectonism

George W . Shurr, Frederick D. Wosick, Lawrence M. Monsom, John R. Fanshawe

ABSTRACT: Origins, Stacking Configurations, and Facies Distributions of Genetic Sequences, Eagle Sandstone, Billings, Montana

Mark S. Hanson, Laird D. Little

ABSTRACT: Paleocene Biochronology in the Northern Great Plains: Nonmarine Mollusca and Mammals from the Crazy Mountains Basin

Joseph H. Hartman, D. W. Krause, G. A. Buckley, T. J. Kroeger

ABSTRACT: Reactivation of a Proterozoic Continental Margin, Bridger Range, Southwestern Montana

D.R. Lageson

ABSTRACT: Recent Exploration in the Central Snowcrest Range, Montana

Gary E. Guthrie, Barry C. McBride, Christopher J . Schmidt

ABSTRACT: Reconnaissance Paleontologic Study of the Kishenehn Formation, Northwestern Montana and Southeastern British Columbia

Kurt N. Constenius, Mary R. Dawson, Harold G . Pierce, Robert C. Walter, Mark V. H. Wilson

ABSTRACT: Reexamination of the Cretaceous (Campanian) Eagle Sandstone at Billings, Montana

David R. Hearn, William B. Hansen

ABSTRACT: Retrograde Mineral Exploration and Settlement of Western and Central Montana During the Late 19th Century

W. K. Wyckoff, D. R. Lageson

ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy as a Tool for Exploration of Waulsortian-Type Carbonate Buildups

William F. Precht, Warren Shepard

ABSTRACT: Structural Interpretation of the Southern Half of the Sawtooth Salient of the Montana Disturbed Belt

Stephen P. Gardner, Jonathan M . Achuff

ABSTRACT: Tectonic-Metallogenic Map of White Sulphur Springs 1 X 2 Quadrangle, Montana

Lee A. Woodward

ABSTRACT: The Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems of Montana

John R. Horner

ABSTRACT: The Structure of the Jardine Gold Deposit, Jardine, Montana

John Cuthill, David Oliver, William Hofer

Montana Geological Society: 1989 Field Conference Guidebook: Montana Centennial Edition: Geologic Resources of Montana: Volume II, Road Logs