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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Oklahoma City Geological Society

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Advances in Regional Geology: A Regional Stratigraphic Correlation and Production Allocation Project Within the Anadarko Basin and Shelf of Oklahoma with Emphasis on the "Washes" [Abstract]

Walter J. Hendrickson, Paul W. Smith, Craig M. Williams, Ronald J. Woods

Analysis of Paleosols in Chase Group Strata (Lower Permian), South-Central Kansas [Abstract]

M.W. Montgomery, S.J. Mazzullo

Anatomy and Oil Recovery from Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoirs in the Cottage Grove Sandstone, Lake Blackwell Field, Central Oklahoma [Abstract]

Jock, A. Campbell, Yang Xianhong

Application of Dipmeter Data to Structurally Complex Areas in the Mid-Continent [Abstract]

Robert F. Ehinger

AVO Analysis of a Pennsylvanian Age Channel Sandstone in the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma

Eric Kubera

The AVO Response of a Pennsylvanian Age Channel Sandstone in the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma [Abstract]

Roger A. Young, Eric Kubera, Alan Leaver

Characterization of Lower Permian, Cyclic Carbonate Reservoirs (Chase Group) in the Mid-Continent Based on Outcrop Model-Analogs [Abstract]

S.J. Mazzullo

Coal-Bed Methane Resources and Reserves of Osage County, Oklahoma [Abstract]

Samuel A. Friedman

Coalbed Methane, a Viable Resource - Osage Mineral Estate

Kristine Peterson, Linda M. Jacobs

Coal Geology of McIntosh and Muskogee Counties, Oklahoma [Abstract]

LeRoy A. Hemish

A Comparison of Core and Electrical Formation Images in Low Porosity Hunton Production [Abstract]

Joseph C. Brevetti, Terry L. Hollrah

Current Issues in Oil and Gas Royalty Litigation [Abstract]

Mark D. Christiansen

Depositional and Diagenetic Environment of the Sonora Sands, Ozona Field, Crockett County, Texas [Abstract]

John Stroud, R. Nowell Donovan

Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Mississippian Chat, North Central Oklahoma [Abstract]

Suzanne M. Rogers

Depositional Systems and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Spiro Sandstone Interval, Arkoma Basin of Eastern Oklahoma [Abstract]

Arthur W. Cleaves

Desperately Seeking Leases, Furiously Finding Fields: Comparison Of Predictions Using Different Targets In Discovery Process Models [Abstract]

David R. Collins

Development of Digital Geologic Map Databases from Published Geologic Maps: Historic Preservation or Information Collection? [Abstract]

Jorgina A. Ross, Elizabeth L. Crouse

Diagenetic Clays as Pore-Lining Minerals in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs [Abstract]

Kathleen S. Fowler, Kevin E. Nick

Diagenetic Modification of Carbonates as a Result of Submarine Slumping, a Case History from the Jurassic Helmsdale Fault, Northern Scotland [Abstract]

R. Nowell Donovan, Andrea K. Bucheit

The Dickens Project - Advances in Surface Geochemical Technology [Abstract]

J. Michael Usseglio

Distributary Development of Shoe-String Sand Bodies Within the Backswamp, Northern Mississippi Alluvial Valley [Abstract]

Minnie Burford, Margaret J. Guccione, James D. Kendall

Domestic Gas from Cherokee (Desmoinesian Series, Pennsylvanian System) Rocks in Bates County, Missouri; Coalbed Methane? [Abstract]

David C. Smith

Donkey Creek North Minnelusa 3-D: Challenging Conventional Wisdom [Abstract]

John B. Frederick, Karen T. Dean, Steven G. Fryberger, Tim C. Wilcox

The Effect of Water Flooding on Produced Oil Composition from Bartlesville Reservoir, Prairie Gem Field, Central Oklahoma [Abstract]

Elli Chouparova, R. Paul Philip, Kurt Rottmann

Effects of Depth on Reservoir Characteristics and Production in Morrow and Springer Well Completions in the Anadarko Basin [Abstract]

Paul W. Smith, Walter J. Hendrickson, Craig M. Williams, Ronald J. Woods

Effects of Heterogeneity in the Red River Formation, Bainville North Field, Roosevelt County, Montana [Abstract]

L. Eugene Safley, Robert Swinehart

Examples of Scale-Independent Structural Models from the Arbuckle Mountains as Examples for Subsurface Interpretations [Abstract]

William G. Brown

Fluid Inclusion Well Logs: Migration, Seals, and Proximity to Pay [Abstract]

Michael P. Smith

Fold-Thrust Deformation Along Portions of the Arbuckle Thrust System and Frontal Wichitas, Southern Oklahoma [Abstract]

C. P. Saxon

Gas Balancing [Abstract]

Timothy C. Dowd

Geochemistry of Oils and Hydrocarbon Source Rocks, Forest City Basin, Northeastern Kansas and Adjacent Areas in Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska [Abstract]

Joseph R. Hatch, K. David Newell

Gravity Anomalies Associated with Rift Faulting in Southern Oklahoma [Abstract]

Raymon L. Brown

Hutton's First Unconformity Revisited, Newton Point, Arran, Scotland [Abstract]

R. Nowell Donovan, Andrea, K. Bucheit, Ulysses S. Hargrove

An Integrated Study of the Grayburg/San Andres Reservoir, Foster and South-Cowden Fields, Ector County, Texas [Abstract]

W. Hoxie Smith M.S. James J. Reeves, Ph.D., P.E., P.G., Richard Weinbrandt, Ph.D., P.E., Robert, D.G.S. Trentham

Integration of Geophysical and Surface Geochemical Data Leads to New Field Discovery, Montague County, Texas [Abstract]

Daniel Hitzman, James Tucker, Sam Smith

Is the Washita Valley Fault a Strike-Slip Fault or a Thrust Fault, and Who Cares? [Abstract]

R. P. Wilkinson

It's Time for a New Sheriff, or Why States Should Regulate Gas Gathering [Abstract]

Cody L. Graves

Kansas Coal Resources and Their Potential for Coalbed Methane [Abstract]

Lawrence L. Brady

Multiple Stratigraphic Indicators of Major Strike-Slip along the Eola Fault, Subsurface Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma [Abstract]

Jerry Glen McCaskill Jr.

Multiple Stratigraphic Indicators of Major Strike-Slip Movement Along the Eola Fault, Subsurface Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma

Jerry Glen McCaskill Jr.

Multiple Stratigraphic Indicators of Major Strike-slip Movement along the Eola Fault, Subsurface Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma

Jerry Glen McCaskill Jr.

A Newly Recognized Upper Cherokee Channel Sand Complex Meanders Through SE Kansas [Abstract]

W.T. Stoeckinger

Oklahoma Coal Database [Abstract]

Brian J. Cardott

Origin, Development, and Distribution of 'Plains-Type Folds' (Compactional Features) in the Cherokee Basin of the American Mid-Continent [Abstract]

D.F. Merriam, Forster Andrea

An Overview of Exploration and Exploitation in the Mid-Continent [Abstract]

Robert D. Cowdery

Pressure Architecture of the Anadarko Basin: Implications For Exploration and Production [Abstract]

Jim Puckette, Zuhair Al-Shaieb

Principles of AVO Crossplotting [Abstract]

John P. Castagna, Herbert W. Swan

A Regional Stratigraphic Correlation, Reservoir Characterization and Production Allocation Project within the Anadarko Basin and Shelf of Oklahoma with Emphasis on the Springer Group [Abstract]

Craig M. Williams, Walter J. Hendrickson, Paul W. Smith, Ronald J. Woods

Remote Sensing Search and Prediction of Undeveloped Oil Production in the Panhandle Field, Texas [Abstract]

Bert A. Weimer

Selected Recent Developments in Oil and Gas Law For Geologists, Engineers, and Geophysicists [Abstract]

Thomas A. Daily

Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Evolution in the Hunton Group, Anadarko Basin [Abstract]

Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Jim Puckette

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Jackfork Sandstone in the Ouachita Mountains and Applications for Petroleum Exploration [Abstract]

Richard D. Fritz, Michael Kuydendall

Stratigraphy, Structure, and Regional Trends of Incised Valley Systems Along the North Side of the Anadarko Basin, in Clark, Comanche, and Ford Counties, Kansas [Abstract]

Robert J. Webster

Strike-Slip Structural Framework of Amarillo-Wichita Uplift and Anadarko Basin, Texas Panhandle and Oklahoma [Abstract]

Roy T. Budnik

Structural Inversion in Southern Oklahoma by Late Paleozoic Transpression, a Working Hypothesis [Abstract]

Thomas L. Thompson, James R. Howe

Surface Exploration in Mature Basins: Applications for Field Development and Production [Abstract]

Dietmar Schumacher, James D. Tucker, Daniel C. Hitzman

Trends in Environmental Liability for the Oil and Gas Industry [Abstract]

Charles C. Steincamp

What's New in Oklahoma's Old Basement [Abstract]

M. Charles Gilbert, John P. Hogan