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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

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Correlation and Age of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation from Magnetostratigraphic Analysis

M. B. Steiner, S. G. Lucas, E. M. Shoemaker

Correlations of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Nonmarine and Transitional Rocks in the Northern Rocky Mountain Foreland

J. Nathan Way, Patrick J. O’Malley, Lloyd C. Furer, Lee J. Suttner, Erik P. Kvale, James H. Meyers

The Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary Unit, Western Interior of North America—A Record of Large Meteorite Impact and Regional Diagenesis

Richard M. Pollastro, Bruce F. Bohor

Cretaceous Paleogeography of the Southern Western Interior Region

William P. Elder, James I. Kirkland

Early Turonian Paleogeographic/Paleobathymetric Map, Western Interior, U.S.

Bradley B. Sageman, Michael A. Arthur

Jurassic Sedimentary History of the Northern Portion of the Western Interior Seaway, USA

Robert L. Brenner, James A. Peterson

Lower Triassic Transgressive-Regressive Sequences in the Rocky Mountains, Eastern Great Basin, and Colorado Plateau, USA

Rachel K. Paull, Richard A. Paull

Mesozoic Systems of the Rocky Mountain Region, USA; Frontmatter

Mario V. Caputo, James A. Peterson, Karen J. Franczyk

Middle Cretaceous Paleogeography of Utah

Michael H. Gardner, Timothy A. Cross

Middle Jurassic Stratigraphy, Sedimentation and Paleogeography in the Southern Colorado Plateau and Southern High Plains

Orin J. Anderson, Spencer G. Lucas

Paleogeographic and Tectonic Controls on Some Lower and Middle Jurassic Erg Deposits, Colorado Plateau

Ronald C. Blakey

Reconstruction of the Early Mesozoic Cordilleran Cratonal Margin Adjacent to the Colorado Plateau

John E. Marzolf

Regional Paleogeologic and Paleogeographic Maps of the Mesozoic Systems, Rocky Mountain Region, U.S.

James A. Peterson

A Review of Mesozoic Vertebrate Ichnofaunas of the Western Interior United States: Evidence and Implications of a Superior Track Record

M. G. Lockley, A. P. Hunt

A Revised Palynostratigraphic Zonation of the Nonmarine Upper Cretaceous, Rocky Mountain Region, United States

Douglas J. Nichols

Sand Dunes, Sabkhas, Streams, and Shallow Seas: Jurassic Paleogeography in the Southern Part of the Western Interior Basin

Fred Peterson

The Sevier Orogenic Belt of the Western United States: Recent Advances in Understanding its Structural and Sedimentologic Framework

David R. Lageson, James G. Schmitt

Some Cretaceous Shorelines in the Western Interior of the United States

W.A. Cobban, E.A. Merewether, T.D. Fouch, J.D. Obradovich

Stratigraphic Evolution of the Lower Cretaceous Dakota Group, Western Interior, USA

J. C. Dolson, D. S. Muller

Stratigraphic Transects for Cretaceous Rocks, Rocky Mountains and Great Plains Regions

T.S. Dyman, E.A. Merewether, C.M. Molenaar, W.A. Cobban, J.D. Obradovich, R.J. Weimer, W.A. Bryant

Summary of Depositional Environments, Paleogeography, and Structural Control on Sedimentation in the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) Sundance Foreland Basin, Western Montana

James H. Meyers, Robert K. Schwartz

Tectonic Influence on Development of the Permian-Triassic Unconformity and Basal Triassic Strata, Paradox Basin, Southeastern Utah

J.E. Huntoon, R.F. Dubiel, J.D. Stanesco

Tectonic Setting of Mesozoic Sedimentary Basins, Rocky Mountain Region, United States

Timothy F. Lawton

Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Volcanic Ash in Mesozoic Sedimentary Rocks of the Western Interior: An Alternative Record of Mesozoic Magmatism

Eric H. Christiansen, Bart J. Kowallis, Mark D. Barton

Triassic Deposystems, Paleogeography, and Paleoclimate of the Western Interior

Russell F. Dubiel