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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Saskatchewan Geological Society
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The Birdbear Formation, Southeast Saskatchewan
R.A.H. Nichols
E.R. Jamieson, H. Kroon
The Interlake Group: Sedimentary Environments and Porosity Types
E.R. Jamieson
Lithologic Desription of the Three Forks Group
J.E. Christopher
Lithologies and environments of the Red River Formation
J.W.J. Hardy
Log Profiles to Compliment Examination of Prairie Evaporite Core
M. Holter
Notes on Textural and Reservoir Variations of Ordovician Micro-Dolomites, Lake Alma - Beaubier oil producing area, southern Saskatchewan
G. E. Thomas
Oil - Anhydrite and Salt in Saskatchewan's Elk Point
Stuart P. Jordan
Prospective Oil Reservoirs in the Duperow Formation
D.M. Kent
J. M. Wyman