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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Saskatchewan Geological Society
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Abstract: A New Exploration Strategy for Lower Paleozoic Petroleum Systems in the Williston Basin
K.G. Osadetz, F.M. Haidl, B.P. Kohn, S. Feinstein, L.K. Kreis, P.B. O'Sullivan
Extended Abstract: Aldersen (Milk River) of the Senate Area - Southwestern Saskatchewan
Melinda Yurkowski
Extended Abstract: Genesis of Mississippian Midale Shoal Topography, Weyburn Field, Saskatchewan
Geoff Burrowes
Extended Abstract: New cores from the McMurray Formation and underlying Elk Point Group in Northwestern Saskatchewan
Georgia L. Hoffman, Errin Kimball
Petroleum Geology of the Devonian Three Forks Formation, Sinclair Field and Surrounding Area, Southwestern Manitoba
Michelle Nicolas
Selected Core Descriptions, Bakken and Torquay Formations, Southeastern Saskatchewan
Kreis, L.K., Costa, A.