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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Saskatchewan Geological Society
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Introduction to the Palaeontology of Saskatchewan
D. F. Paterson
Frank Simpson
General Geology of the Lac La Ronge Region (73-P), Saskatchewan
L.H. Forsythe
Geological and Mineral Exploration in Saskatchewan: A Précis of Its History to 1970
W. O. Kupsch
Geological Road Log for Saskatchewan Highway 2: La Ronge to Reindeer Lake
L.H. Forsythe
Geological Road Log of the Avonlea-Big Muddy Valley Area
D.M. Kent, L.W. Vigrass
Geological Road Log of the Cypress Hills-Milk River Area, Southeastern Alberta
D.M. Kent, F. Simpson
Geological Road Log of the Hanson Lake Road - Flin Flon Area, Saskatchewan - Manitoba
J.E. Christopher, D.M. Kent
Geological Road Log of the Lakes Winnipegosis and Manitoba Areas, Manitoba
D.M. Kent, D.F. Paterson
Geological Road Log of the Montreal Lake - Wapawekka Hills Area
J.E. Christopher, D.M. Kent, F. Simpson
Geological Road Log of the Winnipeg and Interlake Areas, Manitoba
J.E. Christopher, D.M. Kent, H.R. McCabe
Geological Techniques Applied to Engineering Practice in Southern Saskatchewan
E. Karl Sauer
Geology and Ores of the Hanson Lake, Flin Flon and Snow Lake Areas of Saskatchewan and Manitoba
L.C. Coleman, E. Froese, I.E. Hutcheon, D.P. Price, D.F. Sangster, M.R. Stauffer
The Mineral Endowment of Saskatchewan
F. Simpson
Northern Saskatchewan Uranium Tour: La Rounge -Rabbit Lake - Beaverlodge - Cluff Lake
A.J. Gracie, T.H deZoysa
Outline of the Geology of Southern Saskatchewan
D. M. Kent, F. Simpson
Progress Report on the Geology of the Wollaston Lake Belt
B.P. Scott
Tour of the Estevan Coalfield
P. Guliov
Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Stratigraphy of the Swift Current - Cypress Hills Area
S. H. Whitaker, J.A. Vonhof