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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association

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An Introduction to Uranium Ore Processing

Frank E. McGinley

The Abajo Mountains, San Juan County, Utah

Irving J. Witkind

Alkali Gulch Gas Field, La Plata County, Colorado

J. P. Lockridge

Aneth Field and Surrounding Area

W. Don Quigley

Arches and Natural Bridges National Monuments

Bates E. Wilson, Lloyd Pierson

Bluff Field

D. C. Conner, Edward M. Wright Jr.

Boundary Butte Area, San Juan and Apache Counties, Utah and Arizona

B. Douglas Sheffer

Cambrian Stratigraphy of the Paradox Basin Region

D. L. Baars

Canyons, Mystery and Solitude

John A. Frost

Chinle and Moenkopi Formations, Southeastern Utah

Raymond C. Robeck

Chinle Wash Structure, San Juan County, Utah

Tom E. Turner

Continental Sediments of the Colorado Plateau

Wm. Lee Stokes

Cretaceous of Southeastern Utah and Adjacent Areas

Philip J. Katich Jr.

Desert Creek Field, San Juan County, Utah

Robert E. Lauth

Faunizones of the Pennsylvanian and Permian Rocks in the Paradox Basin

John E. Welsh

Geology and Drilling History of the Big Flat-Cane Creek Area, Grand County, Utah

P. E. Carlton

Geology of the Coal Bed Canyon Structure

E. L. Howard, R. S. Brown

Geology of the Stansbury Mountains, Eastern Tooele County, Utah

J. Keith Rigby

Geology of the Stansbury Mountains, Tooele County, Utah; Guidebook to the Geology of Utah, Number 13; Frontmatter

Wm. Lee Stokes, J. Keith Rigby, Dwight E. Arnold

Geophysical Studies of the Upheaval Dome Area, San Juan County, Utah

H. R. Joesting, Donald Plouff

Guidebook to the Geology of the Paradox Basin, Ninth Annual Field Conference; Frontmatter

Albert F. Sanborn

How Oil Wells are Made in the Paradox Basin

R. S. MacAlister Jr.

The Ismay Oil Field

W. E. Carr, J. C. White

Logging and Correlation Techniques in the Paradox Basin

G. F. Chambliss, J. L. Hallman

The Morrison and Adjacent Formations in the Four Corners Area

Lawrence C. Craig, Robert A. Cadigan

Northern Stansbury Range and the Stansbury Formation

Wm. Lee Stokes, Dwight E. Arnold

North Toh-Atin Gas Field, Apache Co., Arizona

Richard H. Vaughan

Oil and Gas Leasing in the Paradox Basin

George D. Fehr, J. R. Williams

Oil and Gas Possibilities Around the Laccolithic Type Intrusions in the Colorado Plateau

Edgar B. Heylmun

Ordovician-Mississippian Rocks of the Paradox Basin

A. W. Neff, S. C. Brown

Penetration Chart of Oil and Gas Fields in Utah

John N. Dahm, P. K. Low

Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy, Southwest Shelf, Paradox Basin

Sherman A. Wengerd

Permian Stratigraphy of the Paradox Basin

Robert P. Kunkel

Petrography and Petrology of Ismay and Desert Creek Zones, Four Corners Region

Robert O. Linscott

Physiography of Southeastern Utah

A. J. Eardley

Potash Deposits of the Paradox Basin

Robert J. Hite, W. C. Gere

Pre-Morrison Jurassic Strata of Southeastern Utah

J. C. Wright, D. D. Dickey

A Preliminary Informal System of Nomenclature for a Part of the Pennsylvanian of the Paradox Basin

William J. Malin

Ratherford Field, San Juan County, Utah

B. B. Robinson

Road Logs

W. E. Carr, W. A. Beauclair, L. J. Eicher, G. K. Elias, Don Baars, Ron Nelson

Road Log Utah Geological Society

Salient Stratigraphic and Structural Features of the Carrizo Mountains Area, Arizona-New Mexico

J. D. Strobell Jr.

Salt Anticlines of the Paradox Basin

E. M. Shoemaker, J. E. Case, D. P. Elston

Standard Nomenclature and General Stratigraphic Correlations in the Four Corners Area of the Paradox Basin

R. W. Tank

Stratigraphy and Structure of the Ute Mountains, Montezuma County, Colorado

E. B. Ekren, F. N. Houser

Stratigraphy of Desert Creek and Ismay Zones and Relationship to Oil, Paradox Basin, Utah

Kenneth E. Carter

Structure of the Elk Ridge-Needles Area, San Juan County, Utah

Richard Q. Lewis Sr.

Subsurface Structure, Aneth and Adjacent Areas, San Juan County, Utah

M. Dane Picard

Tectonics of the Region of the Paradox Basin

Vincent C. Kelley

Turner Bluff Field, San Juan Co., Utah

Kenneth E. Carter

Uranium Deposits in the White Canyon and Monument Valley Mining Districts, San Juan County, Utah, and Navajo and Apache Counties, Arizona

W. D. Grundy, E. W. Oertell

Uranium Deposits of the Uravan Mineral Belt

H. B. Wood, M. A. Lekas

White Mesa Field

W. D. Fenex, Charles V. Lee Jr.