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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Williston Basin Symposium
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And Now for Something Completely Different? ..... An unconventional oil play, the Devonian Torquay Formation, a thin lowstand clastic veneer, Ryerson/Frys area, Southeast Saskatchewan
Ryan Carnegie, Gerry Reinson, Graeme Bloy
Exploration Potential of the Birdbear Formation in West-central Saskatchewan
Chao Yang, Don Kent
Front matter: Nineteenth Williston Basin Petroleum Conference and Prospect Expo: Core Workshop Volume, 2011
Mick Frank, Kim Kreis, Murray Rogers
Geomorphology of the Winnipegosis Reefs in Saskatchewan: A Preliminary Review
J. H. Lake
The Jurassic Shaunavon Formation of the Bone Creek and Leitchville Areas, Southwestern Saskatchewan
Arden Marsh, Wanda Grisak, Hairuo Qing
The Middle Bakken Member in Southeastern Saskatchewan: Viewfield and Beyond
Dan Kohlruss, Erik H. Nickel
Stratigraphic Correlation Chart of Saskatchewan
Mick Frank, Kim Kreis, Murray Rogers
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Lower Cretaceous Sparky, Waseca, and McLaren Formations, Upper Mannville Group, West-Central Saskatchewan, Canada
Alireza Morshedian, James A. MacEachern, Shahin E. Dashtgard