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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Williston Basin Symposium
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Abstract: 3D Geological Modelling in Saskatchewan
Sean Bosman
Depositional Environment of the Mississippian Carbonates of the Williston Basin of Southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada
John Lake
Diagenesis of the Bakken Formation, Southeastern Saskatchewan
Adam Staruiala
Frontmatter: 21st Williston Basin Petroleum Conference Core Workshop
John Lake, Adam Staruiala, Don Kent, Dan Kohlruss, Ed Mathison, Sean Bosman, Don Kent, Mick Frank, Gavin Jensen, Kim Kreis, Chris Hartle, Mike Thomas
Mississippian Souris Valley Beds in Southeastern Saskatchewan: Lithologies and Depositional History
Don Kent
Sequence Stratigraphic and Facies Interpretation of the Lower Cretaceaous Dina Member, Mannville Group, Northwest Saskatchewan
Dan Kohlruss, Per Kent Pederson, Guoxiang Chi
Stratigraphic Correlation Chart of Saskatchewan
John Lake, Adam Staruiala, Don Kent, Dan Kohlruss, Ed Mathison, Sean Bosman, Don Kent, Mick Frank, Gavin Jensen, Kim Kreis, Chris Hartle, Mike Thomas
Stratigraphy and Facies of the Dodsland Viking Tight Oil Resevoir
Ed Mathison