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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Williston Basin Symposium
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The Dinosaur Park-Bearpaw Formation Transition in the Cypress Hills Region, Southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada
Meagan M. Gilbert
Front Matter, Table of Contents, Agenda: Twenty-seventh Williston Basin Petroleum Conference: Core Workshop Volume, 2019 (SP26)
Gavin Jensen, Lynn Kelley, Kim Kreis, Meagan Gilbert, Ralf Maxeiner, Murray Rogers
Geothermal Energy Potential of the Northern Williston Basin
Brian Brunskill, Janis Dale, Laurence Vigrass
The Impact of Salt Dissolution on Hydrocarbon Distribution within the Mannville Group in West-central Saskatchewan
Peter D. Hill
Migration of Hydrocarbons and Spill Point Concept at the Tilston / Alida Beds Unconformity
John H. Lake, Arden Marsh
Paleotopography on the Sub-Mesozoic Unconformity, and Reservoirs of the Mississippian Midale Beds in the Pinto Pool of Southeast Saskatchewan
Arden Marsh
Sedimentology and Diagenesis with respect to the Reservoir Development of the Mississippian Midale Beds in the Pinto–Roche Percee Area, Southeastern Saskatchewan
Celine M. Chow, Haimo Qing