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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 17 (1933)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 526

Last Page: 547

Title: Detailed Study of Some Beds, Commonly Known as Catahoula Formation, in Fayette County, Texas, with Particular Reference to Their Age

Author(s): Leslie Bowling (2), Arno P. Wendler (3)


The nomenclature, briefly reviewed, correlates the so-called Catahoula of Fayette County, Texas, with the Catahoula of Louisiana and Mississippi. The so-called Catahoula formation in Fayette County is a distinct lithologic unit with no surface evidence of a break between the upper and lower beds. The lower 30 feet, more or less, are assigned to the upper Jackson or Eocene on the basis of recent fossil evidence. The remainder of the unit is tentatively assigned to the Oligocene or Miocene, or both. No distinguishing suites of heavy minerals or other criteria were determined from the petrographic study, that offer any basis for division.

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