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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 19 (1935)

Issue: 11. (November)

First Page: 1668

Last Page: 1677

Title: Stratigraphy of Pennsylvanian Hermosa Formation in Elk Mountains, Gunnison County, Colorado

Author(s): John W. Vanderwilt (2)


The Hermosa (Pennsylvanian) formation is well exposed in a number of places in the Elk Mountains in central Colorado. The three sections described in this paper are composed of sandstone, limestone, shale, and rocks of all intermediate compositions Local and abrupt variations in composition and appearance are characteristic of the Hermosa, which, as a whole, is a distinct and easily recognizable stratigraphic unit. The Hermosa sections in the Elk Mountains are correlated with the Weber formation in areas on the east and south, and they resemble the Hermosa formation in the San Juan Mountains on the southwest.

The trend of lithologic changes suggests that the materials composing the Hermosa in the Elk Mountains were derived from an eastern highland or highlands.

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