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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 22 (1938)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 666

Last Page: 676

Title: Developments in Kansas in 1937

Author(s): Rycroft G. Moss (2)


During the year of 1937 more than 60 new pools, new producing horizons in old pools, and extensions were discovered in Kansas. Three of this number were gas discoveries. The most important producing horizons are the Lansing-Kansas City limestone and the Arbuckle dolomite, and these furnished two-thirds of the new discoveries. Barton, Ellis, Rice, and Russell counties, on the Central Kansas uplift, accounted for half of the new pools and 80 per cent of the estimated new reserves found during the year.

Geological exploration during the year consisted chiefly of seismograph and core drilling with some surface structure mapping and torsion-balance work being done.

The first important Misener (basal Mississippian) sand production in Kansas was found with the discovery of the Zenith pool in southeastern Stafford County.

Deep wildcat wells in far western Kansas in Hamilton, Ford, Logan, and Wallace counties, and in southern Nebraska in Jefferson and Richardson counties furnished important stratigraphic data.

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