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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 29 (1945)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 701

Last Page: 707

Title: Developments in North Mid-Continent in 1944

Author(s): Virgil B. Cole (2), Edward A. Koester (3)


Kansas failed to produce as much oil in 1944 as it did in 1943, although the total of 101,896,704 barrels was about equal to that of 1942. This is indicative of a downward trend in production, which can be arrested only by the discovery of important new reserves. Most Kansas fields are now producing at capacity.

The Kansas exploration program in 1944 was disappointing and many of the 1943 discoveries failed to live up to expectations. The most significant discovery was the Adell pool in Sheridan County, which indicates that Lansing-Kansas City production in prolific amounts may be expected in this part of the state, despite the poor showing of the nearby Studley pool, which was discovered in 1943.

Wildcat drilling increased over the previous year. The dry hole percentage increased from 48 per cent to 50.5 per cent. Potential production per well suffered another decline, being 672 barrels compared with 900 barrels in 1943.

There were no important developments in Missouri, Iowa, or Nebraska during the year.

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