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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 32 (1948)

Issue: 2. (February)

First Page: 303

Last Page: 303

Title: Deep Drilling and Deeper Possibilities in Illinois: ABSTRACT

Author(s): L. E. Workman, Alfred H.Bell

Article Type: Meeting abstract


During the 4 years, 1944 to 1947, fifteen oil test wells were drilled in Illinois to the St. Peter sandstone, of which twelve penetrated to various formations below the St. Peter, one reaching the basement rocks.

Isopach maps of various formations between the St. Peter sandstone and the basement rocks, supplemented with cross sections, show the influence of the Ozark and Wisconsin positive structural areas. Notable variations in the stratigraphic sequence are the disappearance of the Galesville sandstone and the introduction of an oolitic limestone in the Cambrian strata in central Illinois.

Maps show the structure of the Illinois basin on the top of the St. Peter sandstone and the general configuration of the basement surface so far as known. Isocons on the St. Peter map show the total mineral content of water in the St. Peter sandstone.

Some of the geologcial factors that should be considered in prospecting for oil in these deep strata are discussed.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists