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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 34 (1950)

Issue: 3. (March)

First Page: 619

Last Page: 619

Title: Geologic Map of Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Robert H. Dott

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Assembling data for a new areal geologic map of Oklahoma has been in progress since September, 1947, as a joint project of the United States Geological Previous HitSurveyNext Hit and Oklahoma Geological Previous HitSurveyNext Hit, with magnificent cooperation of geological departments of oil companies, universities, and individual geologists. Hugh D. Miser, of the United States Geological Previous HitSurveyNext Hit, is in charge.

Maps being acquired consist of all those published since compilation of the first map in 1923-1924, manuscript maps representing work in progress by the Oklahoma Geological Previous HitSurveyNext Hit and theses of graduate students, and maps from oil companies and individual geologists made since 1923. Fully three quarters of the state will be covered by new mapping.

It is estimated that two more years will be required for accumulating maps, filling in critical gaps with field work, making a complete assembly of the data, and arriving at a satisfactory system of classification. Final drafting will require an additional year, and printing probably will require still another. A new Previous HitbaseNext Hit map on which the geologic map will be printed is being prepared by the United States Geological Previous HitSurveyTop in cooperation with several State agencies.

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