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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 41 (1957)

Issue: 10. (October)

First Page: 2298

Last Page: 2311

Title: Devonian Section at Bowmanstown, Pennsylvania

Author(s): Bradford Willard (2)


Along the recently constructed north-south Turnpike crossing southeastern Carbon County, Pennsylvania, extensive cuts through ridges exposed Devonian strata. The beds strike about east-west. At the south end of a section west of Bowmanstown, the oldest stand vertical. The dip of later beds, northward, flattens to nearly horizontal. An almost complete sequence was exposed from the Lower Devonian, New Scotland formation, into the Catskill continental redbeds. Not only were the formations completely excavated, but their contacts were cleared. Most thicknesses were measured directly. The section is strategically located, because it showed relationships between others east and west and illustrated facies changes along the strike. Much of the section is no longer available for tudy.

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