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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 42 (1958)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 1194

Last Page: 1206

Title: Developments in Michigan in 1957

Author(s): R. E. Ives, G. D. Ells (2)


Michigan again registered a decline in drilling activity from the previous years. There were 423 completions as compared with 435 for 1956. Of the 1957 total, 273 were development wells and 150 were exploratory wells. The exploratory wells resulted in 18 discoveries and 132 dry holes. Reworking of older field wells and past exploratory completions, plus the drilling of development wells, resulted in 6 additional discoveries.

Total drilled footage for oil and gas tests was 1,228,918 ft., classified as: exploratory 388,763 ft.; and development 840,155 ft. In 1956, the footage drilled was 1,281,657 ft.

Oil produced during the year totaled 10,168,602 bbls. and gas 6,639,813 MCF. In 1956, 10,737,697 bbls. of oil and 8,840,933 MCF of gas were produced.

Two gravity crews were reported in the state. The surveys were conducted in limited areas of the Southwestern district and the Central Basin district.

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