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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 44 (1960)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1604

Last Page: 1604

Title: Diagnostic Faunal Characteristics on and near a Barrier Island, Horn Island, Mississippi: ABSTRACT

Author(s): William R. Walton

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Approximately 200 sediment samples have been examined across a modern barrier island to establish the variations in faunal characteristics associated with a prototype of a subsurface stratigraphic trap. Diagnostic species variations and variations in gross population characteristics independent of species variations have been recognized.

Nine environmental zones on and near Horn Island, Mississippi, are easily recognizable on the Previous HitbasisNext Hit of modern species composition. Exclusive of species composition, however, these zones are distinguishable on the Previous HitbasisTop of faunal diversity, population size, character of the fauna, and faunal dominance. These gross population characteristics can be used to identify nearshore-barrier island trends in the subsurface regardless of geologic age, species composition, or similarity to modern species.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists