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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 47 (1963)

Issue: 10. (October)

First Page: 1828

Last Page: 1839

Title: Stratigraphy of Blaine Formation (Permian), North-Central Texas

Author(s): Eugene C. Pendery, III (2)


The Blaine Formation is a part of the Pease River (El Reno) Group, Upper Guadalupian in age. The Blaine is subdivided, in ascending order, into the Haystack, Jester, Cedartop, Creta, Collingsworth, Mangum, and Van Vacter Members. These members have been traced from southwestern Oklahoma into north-central Texas and correlation extended up to 125 miles.

Investigations have revealed that definitions of the Blaine of Texas are not equivalent to the original definition of the Blaine in Oklahoma. Suggestions are made to correct nomenclature regarding the "Blaine of Texas." A correlation chart and a stratigraphic correlation diagram are also presented.

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