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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 51 (1967)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 814

Last Page: 814

Title: Binary-Gain Recording and Previous HitProcessingNext Hit: ABSTRACT

Author(s): F. Reynolds, Robert H. Ray

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Binary gain refers to a seismic digital-recording system that switches gain for each seismic channel in steps of two in response to changes in signal energy. This technique allows Previous HitdataNext Hit recovery with low distortion. Applications of the binary-gain system are likely in seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit Previous HitprocessingNext Hit requiring Previous HitdataNext Hit-shape recovery. Such applications may arise in stratigraphic-trap problems and in problems requiring true amplitude recovery. Examples of seismic-energy decay and binary-gain stepping are shown as a means of introducing SAR (synthetic amplitude recovery). SAR is used to gain control of the Previous HitdataTop while preserving the character of individual events.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists