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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 64 (1980)

Issue: 3. (March)

First Page: 423

Last Page: 427

Title: Progressive Neogene Deformation of Southern Hedil, Tunisian Atlas: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Author(s): Curtis R. Cohen (2), Steven Schamel (3)


Detailed structural mapping in the southern Hedil region of the northern Tunisian Atlas suggests that the area is characterized by multiple-faulted folds, facing southeast, rather than by the nappes and imbricate thrusts of previous interpretations.

Our structural analysis shows that major deformation occurred during the middle Miocene (Langhian-Serravallian). This deformation was progressive and occurred in Previous HittwoTop discrete phases. In the first phase, shelf-type rocks of Late Cretaceous-early Miocene age were involved in kink-style folding which developed above a gliding surface in Triassic evaporites to form northeast-trending structures. The second phase produced conjugate strike-slip and extensional faulting in these structures. The acute bisectrix of the strike-slip faults, at right angles to the major trends of folding and parallel with the extensional faults, suggests that the maximum principal compressive stress (^sgr1) was directed S38°E and was constant during middle Miocene deformation. This faulted-fold co cept contrasts with that suggested in other studies in which the sequence of events is envisioned as faulting followed by folding.

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