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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 66 (1982)

Issue: 11. (November)

First Page: 1999

Last Page: 2005

Title: Oil and Gas Developments in Southeastern States

Author(s): P.D. CATE (2)


Total exploratory drilling in Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia increased 11.3% from 1980. A total of 415 tests was drilled, compared with 373 in 1980, and new-field discoveries increased 33.3%, from 30 to 40. The new-field success rate was 9.8%, compared with 8.7% in 1980. Mississippi was the most active state, with 330 exploratory tests and 35 of the new-field discoveries. Total drilling in the southeastern states, including both exploratory and development wells, was 971, compared to 827 in 1980, a 17.4% increase.

Exploration increased in the shallow Eocene Wilcox trend of southwestern Mississippi, and it was the leading drilling area, with 47.7% of the exploratory tests and 10 of the new-field discoveries. Drilling increased slightly in the Paleozoic trend where 16.4% of the total tests were drilled, but drilling was the same in the Jurassic trend where 15.2% of the exploratory drilling occurred. Exploration was down slightly in the Lower Cretaceous trend with 10.8% of the drilling, and no increase occurred in the Upper Cretaceous, which had 6.3% of the drilling activity. Shallow Miocene drilling in southwestern Alabama accounted for the remaining 3.6%.

A slight decrease in exploratory drilling is predicted for 1982, with most of the activity again in the shallow Wilcox oil trend. Deeper exploration, particularly in the ultra-deep (> 20,000 ft) gas trends, may decline because of economic conditions. Uncertainty over pricing, market conditions, budgets, and legislation may cause many operators to delay drilling plans until late 1982. Acreage for leasing will be scarce but may begin to improve in late 1982 because of expirations. Availability of drilling rigs will be no problem in 1982, and contractors will be more flexible in their contracts. As usual, most of the exploratory drilling will be conducted by independents and smaller companies, but the majors will be active, particularly in the deeper trends.

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