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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 67 (1983)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1465

Last Page: 1465

Title: Suggested Nomenclature Change and New Reference Locality for DeQueen Formation, Pike County, Arkansas: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Thomas L. Ham, Randal J. Landry

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The DeQueen Formation of the Trinity Group, Comanchean Cretaceous, crops out in southwestern Arkansas and southeastern Oklahoma. The outcrop, located in the Highland gypsum quarry of Pike County, southwestern Arkansas, is described in detail in this paper and presented as a reference locality. Data from the locality provide the basis for a nomenclature change from the DeQueen Limestone Member to the DeQueen Formation. The formation consists of 64.23% clastic sediments, 24.72% gypsum, and 11.05% limestone. Hopper salt casts, ripple marks, scattered pyrite and marcasite nodules, celestite, and chickenwire gypsum can also be found. The DeQueen Formation is underlain by clays and the Ultima Thule Gravel lentil, while the top is unconformably overlain by Upper Cretaceous Tokio gravels.

The general paleoenvironment represents a normally low-energy subtidal environment ranging from brackish to normal to hypersaline waters in a lagoonal setting that shallows upward.

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