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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 69 (1985)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 847

Last Page: 847

Title: Application of Principal Axis Ordination (Q-Mode Analysis) in Classification of Depositional Environments of Morrow (Upper Carboniferous) Strata in Southeastern Colorado: ABSTRACT

Author(s): James D. Doyle, Douglas M. Lorenz

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A variation of Q-mode analysis, termed "principal axis ordination," is evaluated as a tool for classifying depositional environments from well log data. The stratigraphic interval investigated is in the upper Morrow (Upper Carboniferous) of the Las Animas arch region in southeastern Colorado. Variables derived from digital induction and gamma-ray log data are used for classification based on principal axis ordination (PAO). The resulting classes closely match a set of inferred sedimentary environments in wells from a densely drilled area. These results allow the PAO classification technique to be extended to wells in sparsely drilled areas as a reliable aid in predicting reservoir trends.

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