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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 77 (1993)

Issue: 1. (January)

First Page: 1

Last Page: 8

Title: Tilt and Drainage Ratio in Sedimentary Basins

Author(s): A. P. Radlinski, S. J. Cadman (2)


The effect of trap tilt on its drainage ratio (defined as the area of drainage for the trap divided by the corresponding area of closure) can by quantified using a one-parameter spherical approximation for hydrocarbon trap shape. We use our results to calculate the tilt angles for a number of traps in the Toolachee and Patchawarra formations of the Cooper basin, South Australia, and demonstrate that the results are consistent with the superposition of a local relief "roughness" on the regional tilt.

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