ABSTRACT In siliciclastic hydrocarbon reservoir rocks,
economic gas and oil production may depend on the attributes of natural
fractures, and, with the advent of horizontal drilling, fractures are increasingly
exploration and development targets; yet reliable information on such key
fracture attributes as orientation (strike) is sparse because few fractures
intersect vertical well bores. This paper describes how fracture strike
can be documented on a bed-by-bed basis even in well bores where few or
no visible fractures are directly sampled. Quartz-lined opening-mode microfractures
(lengths of microns to millimeters) in quartz-cemented sandstones commonly
are not visible using standard petrographic methods, but systematic mapping
of these microfractures is possible using photomultiplier-based electron
beam-induced luminescence (scanned cathodoluminescence) imaging. As shown
by observations, primarily from three natural gas plays and one oil play
in the United States, microfracture strike is a good guide to the strike
of large fractures (macrofractures) that formed concurrently. Because microfractures
are widespread and small specimens can be used to get accurate fracture-strike
data, this approach can be applied to samples obtained from wireline-conveyed
rotary (drilled) sidewall coring devices, as well as to samples from full-diameter
core. |