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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 12 (1964), No. 3. (September), Pages 773-773

The Viking Formation, Central Alberta [Abstract]

G. F. Stansberry

A study of the Viking Sandstone was made for the following four wells in Central Alberta: Imperial Norbuck 2-6, Imperial Joffre 2-21V, Imperial Armena 6-11V, and Superior Joseph Lake 11. Seven Foraminifera, one gastropod, four sporamorphs, thirty three thin section, and six suites of heavy minerals are described. The Viking, which shows no evidence of diachronism, was probably derived from pre-existing sediments to the west, and deposition may have taken place slowly in a shallow, marine, partially landlocked sea under slightly reducing conditions. Radioactive dating on glauconite and a bentonitic ash yielded dates of 63 and 45 million years respectively. These ages are thought to be low because of potassium adsorption and argon leakage.

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1957, M.Sc., University of Alberta

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