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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Bulletin


Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Vol. 29 (1981), No. 2. (June), Pages 209-214

Computer Contouring Packages: An Historical View

R. Bugry


Machine contouring, in common with other computerized procedures, is fraught with pitfalls for the unwary user. Since the process attempts to mimic the human function of converting a collection of irregularly spaced data into a meaningfully contoured map, computer maps are unlikely to satisfy every user.

Present-day versions of computer contouring software are the result of a development of two distinct styles: those packages with the intervening step of gridding and those without. Both styles have advantages. This paper will examine the stylistic differences and their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the major significant developments in computerized contouring. In addition, a number of specific hints for mapping by machine will be passed on to the user.

In the final analysis, a computer-contoured map is only one of many possible solutions to a particular problem that a geologist could produce. The best solution would be the map that varies least when new information is added.

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