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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Canada's Continental Margins and Offshore Petroleum Exploration — Memoir 4, 1975
Pages 391-409
Baffin Previous HitBayTop Margins

Sedimentary Rocks Dredged From the Southwest Greenland Continental Margin

G. L. Johnson, N. J. McMillan, M. Rasmussen, J. Campsie, F. Dittmer


A series of dredge hauls containing sedimentary rocks was obtained from the southwestern Greenland continental margin. The evidence provided by these samples extends shallow marine Tertiary sediments southward along the entire southwestern margin of Greenland. The presence of reworked Mesozoic and Upper Carboniferous material indicates that rocks of these ages were at one time exposed to erosion in the area.

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