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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

CSPG Special Publications


Devonian of the World: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on the Devonian System — Memoir 14, Volume III: Paleontology, Paleoecology and Biostratigraphy, 1988
Pages 79-92
Global Events and Boundaries

An Ideal Frasnian/Famennian Boundary in Ma-Anshan, Zhongping, Xiangzhou, Guangxi, South China

Hui-chen Jia, Si-yuan Xian, De-li Yang, Huai-lin Zhou, Ying-jian Han, Zhen-huan Chen, Jin-xing Wang, Rui-gang Wang, Shi-tao Wang, Zhen-xian Zhang, ming Wei


The Frasnian/Famennian boundary beds in the middle part of the “Rongxian Formation” in Ma-anshan section, Xiangzhou, Guangxi are continuous, the lithology is the same, and conodont zones are generally identical with the conodont sequence of the Schmidt section in West Germany. But the Schmidt section has also a barren bed between the first occurrence of the primitive Pa. d. delicatula and the typical Pa. d. delicatula, whereas the situation for Ma-anshan section is better, between these occurrences there exist 76 cm of continuous deposits of limestone with a continuous evolutionary lineage from Morphotype 1 (primitive morphotype) to Morphotype 2 (typical morphotype). Therefore, the lower limit of Morphotype 2 Pa. d. delicatula occurrence is an ideal indicator of the Frasnian/Famennian boundary.

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