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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 36 (1986), Pages 367-369

Previous HitCalcareousNext Hit Nannofossils, State of the Art, Gulf of Mexico: a Review for Oil Prospectors

W. H. Akers (1)


The use of Previous HitcalcareousNext Hit nannofossils to establish well correlations in beds of bathyal origin has become a pragmatic art. These Previous HitmicrofossilsNext Hit are valuable in exploration due to their abundance in oceanic deposits and our knowledge about their distribution in geologic time. The recognition of paleomagnetic events by their association with nannofossil events, particularly extinctions, provides data for the calculation of depositional rates for subsurface stratigraphic intervals. Exploration companies utilize the extinctions of numerous species of Previous HitcalcareousTop nannofossils in Neogene deposits of the Gulf of Mexico to establish correlations between wells for which other correlation methods are tenuous. Nowhere else in the world, are so many people, looking so closely, for so many key fossils, in so many drilling wells, that will produce so much oil.

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