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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

GCAGS Transactions


Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions
Vol. 50 (2000), Pages 243-245

Accurate Previous HitDepthNext Hit Conversions Reduce Risk

Larry C. Luton, Corine Prieto


That accurate Previous HitdepthNext Hit conversions reduce risk is not a new concept. The challenge lies in the proper selection of Previous HitvelocityNext Hit data and Previous HitmodelNext Hit types that will generate accurate Previous HitdepthNext Hit maps for evaluation and drilling of prospective areas.

Previous HitVelocityNext Hit information is available from a number of different sources. Well Previous HitvelocityNext Hit data are available from checkshots, vertical seismic profiles, sonic logs and geological tops. Seismic imaging velocities (stacking and Previous HitmigrationNext Hit) are interpreted from various seismic processes (2D/3D DMO, 2D/3D Prestack Time and Previous HitDepthNext Hit Previous HitMigrationNext Hit) of the seismic data.

The type of Previous HitmodelNext Hit (imaging or depthing) and procedure selected is influenced by available data, lithology and the geophysical acquisition and processing parameters.

Our example illustrates the prospect resolution benefits using all available Previous HitvelocityNext Hit data for an area of interest. We will also show the refinement gained by integrating other interpretations such as a seismic-derived fault interpretation and a salt configuration from a 3D-gravity Previous HitmodelTop.

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