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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


4th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 1975
Pages 83-112

An Analysis of Dipmeter Survey Results in the Langkat Area

Abdul Wahab


Dipmeter results from 9 wells out of a total of 11 wells drilled in the Langkat Area, North Sumatra, were analysed.

Although less precise than the HDT 4-arm dipmeter, the CDM 3-arm dipmeter used in Langkat has proved its effectiveness in the interpretation of the depositional history of the area, and the environment of deposition.

Many sedimentary features are exhibited by the dipmeter data, thereby facilitating a better knowledge of the stratigraphy penetrated by the wells, and enabling a cross-check for interpretations obtained earlier by other means and methods.

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