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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


5th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1976
Pages 211-214

Drilling in a High Temperature and Overpressured Area Sunda Straits, Indonesia

Alfred K. Noujaim


The Aminoil Group drilled a 10,000 ft - well a few kilometers off the Krakatau volcano in 1973. The well bottomed in Pliocene sediments after penetrating a more than 8,000 ft thick Upper Pliocene section of mainly claystones with interbedded sand–, siltstones and pyroclastics. On the basis of temperature surveys and BHT's measured during logging, a static formation temperature in excess of 450° F was extrapolated for the bottom of the hole. The high temperatures caused some deterioration in the mud properties, but otherwise no serious drilling problems. Owing to overpressures a high salinity oil mud and controlled drilling had to be employed. The well was P & A because no economic hydrocarbon accumulations could be expected in the high temperature regimes.

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