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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


12th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 1983
Pages 303-321

Practical Use of Borehole Previous HitSeismicNext Hit in Exploration; Goals and Shortcomings

F. Sandnes, L. Nustt, S. G. Henry


The improvement of acquisition and Previous HitprocessingNext Hit techniques has made it possible to study Previous HitSeismicNext Hit wavetrains in boreholes.

With careful acquisition procedures and quantitative data Previous HitprocessingNext Hit, one can extract useful information on the propagation of Previous HitSeismicNext Hit events through the earth, on multiple generation and on the different reflections coming from horizons, some of which may not be accessible by surface Previous HitSeismicNext Hit.

An extensive Borehole Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Survey was conducted in a well in Conoco's contract area "Block B" in the South China Sea. Shots at 96 levels were recorded, and the resulting Vertical Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Profile (VSP) was carefully processed and analyzed together with the Synthetic Seismogram (Geogram ) and the Synthetic Vertical Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Profile (Synthetic VSP).

In addition to the general interpretation of the VSP data, i.e. time calibration of surface Previous HitseismicNext Hit, fault identification, VSP trace inversion and VSP Direct Signal Analysis, the practical inclusion of VSP data in the reprocessing of surface Previous HitseismicNext Hit data was studied. Conclusions that can be drawn are that deconvolution of surface Previous HitseismicNext Hit data using VSP data must be carefully approached and that VSP can be successfully used to examine phase relationships in Previous HitseismicTop data.

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