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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


15th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1986
Pages 97-127

Application of Pressure Previous HitDerivativeNext Hit in Analysis of Indonesia Reservoirs

N. Htein, D. H. Williams, P. J. Cockcroft


This paper describes the use of pressure Previous HitderivativeNext Hit in the analysis and interpretation of pressure transient tests in oil and gas wells. This is accomplished by reviewing typical pressure responses covering various flow regimes and combinations of different reservoir models; by discussing a series of case studies of Indonesian reservoirs and examples from published literature; and finally, by illustrating several possible pitfalls resulting from relying solely on the conventional semi-log analysis methods. The examples are selected in an effort to illustrate the advantages of the Previous HitderivativeTop approach, in obtaining a better solution to a problem, in comparison to the more traditional dimensionless pressure change type-curve and semi-log methods.

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