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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


16th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1987
Pages 273-279

Environmental Condition and Management at the Petromer Trend Corporation Oil and Gas Exploration and Exploitation Area, Kasim-Sele, Sorong, Irian Jaya

Yan Pieter Karafir, Fred Luhulima


From 1984 until 1986, the Environmental Study Centre of Cenderawasih university, on behalf of the Petromer Trend Corporation (PTC), made a study to evaluate the enrivonmental condition at the oil and gas exploration area of the company around the Sele peninsula near Sorong, Irian Jaya. The activity in the region that had started in 1938 by a Dutch Oil Company, NNGPM, and ceased in 1959, was resumed by PTC in 1972. The production started in 1973, and reached a peak rate of 79000 b/d in 1977.

The company activities are concentrated within two of the four concession areas which togethers have a total area of about 100,418 hectares. The environmental components monitored were classified under land, hydrology, climate and air, biology, socio-economic, and culture.

Out of the concession area, only 1.5 percent has been cleared for the main terminal, oil and gas fields, skimpit zone, and roads. About 98 remains percent natural forest. Physical parameters of water from the operations were subjected to detailed analysis. Effects on social factors observed include improvement in health services, increasing population density, new settlement, increasing income, and improved road and other transport facilities.

Security, safety and pollution control measures have been taken by the management of PTC. Fire control and fire pump equipment including extensive fire water distributive system has been provided and a fire brigade has been established. A skimpit system and equipment such as a harbour skimmer, oil boom and spill fighting pump has also been provided.

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